New Rifle And a Great Side Trip


New member
Traveled 100 miles one way to check out some of the new Danish .30-06 ammo at Four Seasons Guns in Woburn, MA. Did not want to go all that way just for some ammo so I decided to look at something I have wanted for a while but could not seem to find in Western MA. And ended up walking out with a new loaded Springfield Armory M1A, blue steel and walnut. From the looks of the "loaded" coupon I may end up spending as much on accessories as I did the rifle!

On the way home I did something else I have wanted to do for a while. My five-year old son and I stopped at the Minute Man National Historical Park in the Lexington and Concord area. Very nice place, we walked part of it and I talked to him about what the colonists faced way back then (he's only five but this is the time to start with simple concepts and work up). To my surprise he seemed to understand and wants to go back and walk the whole trail! What a kid! We had him when I was 47 and he has been a real blessing.

So I considered this a great day. Dad and son spending some quality time together. Getting a new M1A. And visiting where it all started.

There are a few benefits to living in the People's Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


New member
There are a few benefits to living in the People's Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Indeed there are, my friend, indeed there are. Sounds like a GREAT time. I'm sure there are many more to come :)



New member
It's truly a great day when I have meaningful time with my kids, who are teenagers.

Glad you and your son were able to spend good time together. You might well be surprised how long he'll remember that day...


New member
Ok..shhhh..the wife isn't listening. Come on now..tell the truth. You went just so you could get the M1A..right?

Glad you two had such a great time. Get it in while you can. My oldest of 4 is turning 14 next month. Sometimes I wonder where the years went. Plus is scares me...The wife and I got married when she was 17.:eek: :eek:

Good Shooting


New member
Hey...I'm 32... and Dad is "older than dirt"... and I still think any day spent with him, doing something (anything) interesting is a great day!

Latest thing (this last weekend) was a day out with him burning off a healthy load of my 7.62 ammo in my SKS... I am quite a few rounds lighter than I was, but he is now gonna be a few $$$ lighter, as he is looking for an AK, or SKS to shoot! :D

goodonya, starting the kid out early... and glad you had a good day with him!


New member
Days like that will be etched into your memory and your son's memory forever. Days like that will turn your son into an admirable person. The HUGE problem with modern society is that men do not tell the stories of history to the next generation. Good on ya for taking the time to tell your son about Colonial struggle! Some of my fondest memories include shooting, hunting, and hearing stories about our family and our nation's history from my mom and dad.