New Remington Shotgun


New member
I am absolutely amazed that Shot Show attendees and writers totally missed this new gun from Remington. Bruce Buck has a video on it at his blog Shotgun Report. Click on Shot Show 2006 Remington 105cti. The video is quite long and some of the sound poor but it shows a new auto loading gun that has some interesting and innovative features.

It loads and ejects from the bottom ALA Ithaca 37 and Browning BPS but is the first autoloader to do so. Instead of flipping shells to the side it drops them down. Great for duck blinds and Trap.

The recoil spring is around the mag tube instead of in the buttstock. Several applications here. Will allow Pistol Grip only and folding Buttstocks not possible on current autos. I can see this gun as a popular "Breacher" SG for SWAT types.

The turbo load feature is amazing. Place a shell into the mag and it automatically loads the chamber without pulling handles or pressing buttons. Can you say faster reloads? 3 gun guys will be all over this in a few years. Allows quick changes of types of ammo.

The mag unloading feature is priceless. Easy way to clear the gun.

Forget the looks of the gun, and the carbon fiber/titanium. If it were steel it would still be a revolution.

This isn't a trendy crack ho with piercings and tats like everything else shown lately but a refined lady.

Remington will do with this gun what the 1100 did in the 60's. They did their homework and are ready to take back the autoloader throne from Beretta and Browning.

I am betting on this gun, if Remington puts the quality they are capable of in it. DON"T BLOW IT BIG GREEN!!!!!!


New member
I like the looks of this new gun. One thing that concerns me is the SRP of the new Remington's...this gun and the 1100 Comp.

I'm guessing this gun is going to go for $850 give or take. That's gonna put it in the Gold Sporting and 391 Sporting price range.

One of the great things about the 1100 was that it was a reliable gun that the workin' man could afford. This gun will be out of reach for many.


New member
It looks really interesting (not a huge fan of the carbon fiber looking stuff at the top of the action), but seems like a useful gun. Sadly, I read an article which quoted price at 1300 dollars. If so, uncool, cause lots of other find shotgun makers have already established thier presence in that price range.

IT does look nice tho.
I totally expect it to be in that price range ($1300 or so) and I don't see a problem with this. There are guns in all price ranges. I'm always glad to see new designs out there. +1 for Remington.


New member
The market for guns of this type is the Sporting Clays shooter who will spend the money for a gun that works and fits. Look at the price of the upscale Beretta and Browning offerings and Remington's gun is right there.

The innovations in this gun will make it the gun to own IF Remington can get the quality right and not chintz like they usually do.

The recoil reduction features, turbo loading, new trigger mechanism and recoil spring around the mag tube make this gun something new.

Have you looked at the price of Benelli's lately? This gun will do everythhing the Benelli can do and do it with less weight, less recoil and a bettter trigger.



This gun will do everythhing the Benelli can do and do it with less weight, less recoil and a bettter trigger.

Unless you perceive that a 3.5" magnum capability is an absolute necessity, as do apparently 90% of the shotgun-shooting public for some reason. I don't but "everyone" does.

So regardless of the merits, this fact, coupled with the high cost to manuf. & price, it will most likely flop. Hope that I am wrong however. I want one pretty badly, so I'm going to try and grab one before it's discontinued. Anyone have one? Any comments?