New Remigton E 870 Diesels And jams,Expert Advice Needed


New member
Clean it bone dry! BONE DRY!! All that guck has got to come off. Every last bit. Read the manual and completely disassemble everything and clean every orifice. Then reassemble. Oh yeah, and I wouldn't bother lubing it beyond a light coat of oil on the bolt and action bars. That's how I run my 870s and have never had a problem.


New member
Clean it bone dry! BONE DRY!! All that guck has got to come off. Every last bit. Read the manual and completely disassemble everything and clean every orifice. Then reassemble. Oh yeah, and I wouldn't bother lubing it beyond a light coat of oil on the bolt and action bars. That's how I run my 11-87 and have never had a problem.


New member
Your problem is you've got to much crap on your gun. Take it apart and clean it bone dry. Then lightly, and I mean lightly, oil with a light oil like rem oil the action bars and bolt. That's all you need except a light coat on the outside to stop corrosion. The 870 is a basic weapon that doesn't require alot of attention and that's the beauty of it. If you've got so much oil and grease it's catching on fire you've got way to much. You're probably creating more of a problem than anything.


New member
The cheapest carbuerator cleaner you can find. Works wonders. It will remove all traces of oil and grease so wipe lightly with a lightly oiled rag when you're done to keep corrosion from setting in.