New PX4


New member
Well, I've been waiting along time and finally my PX4 arrived today. So what's my problem? It won't stop raining. Maine isn't getting pounded like SW New Hampshire, but its rain every day with 3 to 4 inches on the way for the weekend. So I'll smile again when I get to shoot my new baby...:mad: :mad: So in the meantime does anyone have any experience with the PX4? I'd sure like to hear about it over the weekend til I can go shooting again...
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New member
Just start reading , it will take you a few days to get through the 47 pages of "WARNING" and "CAUTION" !! :rolleyes: Interesting that they kept the rotating barrel. Give us a full report.


New member
Nice pic BullRk

Can't wait to hear what you think... was on my list at one time. Maybe it'll jump back on again. Have fun once the rain stops!


New member

All cleaned and lubed for a range session tomorrow!!!:D :D :D Top, Don't be suprised if it is brief like yours.;)


New member

I'd love to hear yor report when you get back as I am in between two models to purchase for my own handgun. The Px4 and the Springfield XD-9 service.
I did like the ergonomics of the PX4 slightly better than that of the XD-9, yet only slightly. Would like to know how the action is with that rotating barrel or if it really plays a part much at all. Do let us know huh?