New Poymer High Power

Wild Romanian

I have some information on a new polymer high power that FN will soon be producing. The new high power will have a polymer frame with 4 carbide buttons imbedded in the frame of the weapon. The polymer frame will be light in weight, corrosion resistant, and much cheaper to produce than previous polymer made weapons. Part of this is due to a new process pioneered by FN that will allow the frame to be made of reprocessed polymer. Since polymer is manufactured in many colors the frames will have a blend of many beautiful colors, reds, blues, gold, etc. No two frames will be identical. The frame will be manufactured for FN from a newly formed subsidary company called of all things "Schlock". The Glock company has already threatend to file suit if the companies name is embedded into the grip frame as has been proposed.
The poymer magazine will hold 17 shots for police only and hold 5 shots for civilians ( you read that right, 5 shots not 10).
The slide and barrel will be manufactured by Smith & Wesson. There will not be a roll engraved FN logo but a cheap painted FN logo on the slide and naturally there will be no FN proof marks. Smith & Wesson is aready doing the same thing for the Walther company for the manufacture of their P99 pistol. Walther just could not keep up with the demand so S&W stepped in to help bost production.
The gun will be a striker fired weapon with the same trigger pull for every shot. It may come with an option as to the type of sights desired.
A series of computer chips will be imbedded into the polymer frame some of which will control various internal safety devices. FN has told me that the chips can be programmed to limit the number of shots fired in a given time frame, say 1 shot per second or 1 shot per day. Also the chips can completely render the weapon inoperative at any set time on a daily basis. This will make big city mayors exstatic because it will enable them to save money by laying of police armory clerks that heretofore had to disarm officers that were leaving there daily work shift. The new computer chips will automatically render the weapon inoperative when an officer is done with his work shift and leaves to return home.
Needless to say Sara Brady is now one happy woman and we are all waiting with baited breath for her to give the new technology her blessing.
All is not happiness though. I imagine that when collectiors of classic high powers first view the new weapon many will suffer major coronaries which will necessitate rushing them to major hospitals that will care for them with legions of doctors, nurses and physical therapists.
I have been chosen to write the first article on the new weapon for a major gun magazine. I cannot tell you which one as of yet but it will definitely not be Guns & Blamo or Bull Shooting Times. FN has agreed to give me the usually gun writers perks. I have demanded and got a free sample of the new weapon, 1,000 rounds of ammo for testing purposes, a small amount of which I will actually use , the rest I will sell at 100 per cent profit. I will get a free stag hunting trip in Translyvania and of course I have absolutely demanded two beautiful female traveling companions. You know , just the standard gun writers perks. Nothing out of the ordindary.
I have asked FN to send me a plastic or wooden mock up of the weapon so that I may publish full color pictures of the as of yet unmanufactured weapon. I already have a fake target showing 17 shots through one hole at 25 meters. Of course I will also publish that the gun is extremely reliable under all conditions.
When I leave for my European stag hunt I have been told by FN that I can pick up my real prototype copy of the weapon so that I may actually give it a real test. In secret of course. I have a private range located near Brasov in the Transylvanian mountains not far from Bran Castle. The Castle where Vlad Tepes (Count Dracula) was actually held prisnor and yes he really existed. I will hook up my very ancient chronograph which is very badly wired and throws sparks in every direction along with my decrepit old strain guage hard wired to the chamber. I hope there will be no mountain storms with lightening when I perform this experiment because if I am hit by lighting as I have so been in the past the electrical charge may hit the ancient building and come in contact with the weapon. The people all the way back down in the city of Brasov will then here me screaming "Its alive, Its alive, Its alive." W.R.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Hey, man, a lot of people have been where you are now and I know it sounds hard, but it's not impossible.
You CAN kick that crack habit!
The acid and PCP may take awhile to wear off, though.