New orleans gun seziures...


New member
during hurricane Katrina we all know that many weapons were illegally taken from their owners I read that the NRA was going to pursue a lawsuit? been away from the media/world for a few months so I never got to see what had happened. anyone have the results?



New member
I think the court ruled they had to give them back

the problem now is, New Orleans can't figure out how to do that. Really kind of funny, if it wasn't your gun, they sure figured out a way real quick to aquire them... but figureing out how to get them back to the folks they stole them from is impossible.

I guess it's a good thing I'm not a judge. My solution would be simple: after it was decided the guns needed to go back and the poweres that be started dragging their feet. I'd figure out who was on top of the bureaucratic pile of "sh$$" and inform them they had say 30 days to get it done.. when they let 30 days go by.. I send a deputy out to pick up the head honcho and put them in jail and call their second in command and tell them they now have half that time to comply or they were next.


Yeah, but you AREN'T a judge. Your foremost loyalty is to the People, the Constitution, and the Republic. A judge's first loyalty is to the Legal Industry.


New member
Yeah, but you AREN'T a judge. Your foremost loyalty is to the People, the Constitution, and the Republic. A judge's first loyalty is to the Legal Industry.

I have to disagree with you here. Judges are humans beings who ALL have thier own problems, skeletons and hidden agendas. I have seen too many court ruleings that make me vomit and in no way is their liberal points of view my the same as mine. Most, not all, but most judges don't represent me at all.

Blume357's idea would puinish the jerks that stomped on our constitutional rights in the first place. Thats what judges do.......right?

Too many burocrates just go to work and go home without any accoutabilty for thier actions and this would be the shake up that our goverment needs.

But...............of course......... ANOTHER JUDGE would rule that it was unconstutional. Go figure


New member
my step brother is a sherrifs deputy in st bernanrd parish who was working through katrina in the city. he told me that they they took peoples firearms that they had to remove from their home and escort to a shelter. i will try to find out what is going on regarding this and get back with you


New member
Chad, here is a link to what happened on the lawsuit filed by the NRA. I also read in some past articles that in addition to New Orleans officials stating they cannot give back the guns without proof of ownership, but they are also finding any ways they can to delay giving the guns back. Some gall they have. With the stroke of a pen, Mayor Nagin and Police Superintendent Compass are getting away with “murder”—a savaging of the second, fourth and fourteenth amendments of our Constitution. And they have put America on notice that they’re going to keep seizing lawfully owned guns under any pretense.


New member
Who wants to bet there was some arms trading/collecting by a select few officers from out of state who knew this process would end in a cluster-f***?