New Mousegun


New member
Was wandering the trails of the local gunshow today. Not a Contender to be found. AR's as far as the eye could see, then I spotted this...

I know what you're thinking, NAA Guardian, but you're wrong,it's the hard to find Autauga MK II. Hard to find because the company went out of business about 10 years ago, so if something goes wrong I may be hosed. But it looked purt near new and the price was one I couldn't walk away from. Chambered for the 32 acp HP only. Heavier than the new flood of micro 380's but still a mere fraction of my beloved snubby. The trigger is long, but smooth. The sights are actually pretty decent. Range is closed tomorrow so it will be tuesday before I really get to ring it out, but it seems to be just what I was looking for to drop in my pocket while walking to the lake.

Function Test of sorts.

Okay, couldn't get to the range yesterday, we had some issues around here. But I could make it down to the end of the road dirt pile. But first let's take another look at the other side.

As you can see, that mag release is in a very inconvient location and it's hard to push to boot. But this isn't a Bruce Willis shoot 'em up gun, one mag and you either made it or you didn't anyway. And one of my all time complaints with mouse guns has always been that I disengage the mag release by mistake. It ain't happening here. But on with the very short test.
I started with a full mag of 6 Corbon 60gr JHP's. 6 shoots, 3 smokestack jams. SO I figure, "great, $100 for a weak single shot".
Then I tried the 65gr Magtech Guardian Gold. They were too long in the OAL. If I put 3 rounds in the mag they would bind it up. But when loaded 2 in the mag, one in the pipe all 3 would fire with no jams.
So then I tried the Federal 65gr Personal Defense. They not only shot without jamming, but they also didn't bind up the mag.
I also have some Hornady 60 gr JHP to try next time.
This ammo is expensive, the mag tech was the cheapest at $14/20. I need to set up to reload but I can't find any place that has dies, brass and bullets. Seems like everyone has 2 of the 3 and I don't want to pay twice for shipping.


New member
Looks cool :). I always like cool finds like this. I was in my local gun store and found something that looked out of place. Put with the Glocks and Sigs was a Colt 1903. I made a post earlier :D.


New member
Nice find for $100! Like the Seecamp, the Autauga works well with shorter ammo, such as the 60 gr. HP ammo you used. It should also load, feed and fire the cheaper Winchester truncated cone Q45?? ammo, comes in a white box, 50 to a box.

A side note; There is a new gun being introduced that appears to be a clone of the Autauga. I'll look for a link.

:rolleyes: Found one link;

Masterpiece is the new manufacturer of the Autauga clone. Perhaps some parts and mags may interchange?? Your $100 find may turn into a really great deal. :cool:
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New member
Good idea from PSP. I'd check out the Seecamp forum (I own a LWS .32) and test it with the ammo that's recommended for the Seecamp .32


New member
Good find. Definitely cooler than a Raven or a Rohm... Reminds me of a Freedom Arms "boot gun" I've been eyeying in the case at the gunshop.

Dave Chuppa

New member
I just got my Nov. issue of Combat Handguns. On page 87 there i an advertisement for a new semi auto Pocket Gun Co. called MasterPiece Arms. they are calling their Gun the Protector. It looks exactly like your gun. check the web.


New member
Neat find....

Autauga Arms was so named for the county here in Alabama (Autauga County obviously) where they were located - right next to Mongtomery County where I lived for 30 years. I remember when they came out and I saw their ad in G&A - I thought "wow, never even KNEW there was a firearms company right up the road.


michael t

New member
Its more like a Seecamp than Guardian . Use the ammo for Seecamp and your home free. Like said These likes the shorter OAL. I sold mine worried about parts since not made now. Sold to a friend he been packing for several years now.
I went to the KelTecs. Lighter and can get either 32 or 380


New member
Okay, just a quick update. I really dig this little pistol (I'm a sucker for anything small and stainless). I've been loading my own cast RN's in it and losing about 80% of the brass. My only complaint, this thing throws brass in a 360 degree area, never the same place twice. And that 32 brass is hard to spot with my 40 y/o eyes. But today, just for giggles I bought a box of PMC hardball ammo (ok, not for giggles, the shop had a box marked at $5) I figured I could load one in the pipe and maybe one or two on the top of the mag. Turns out it will load and feed all six from the mag. Recoil is a little more manageable with that PMC too.


New member
If the option of having a mouse 'toot' available raises your interest and offers an acceptable option as you see it, you might want to consider the Buffalo Bore version of .32 ACP.

Its biggest attraction for me is that it is kinda spiffy and works in my Guardian.

Having six rounds of a hard cast, flat nose, 75 grain stepping out at 1150 available in your shirt pocket isn't awful. The delivered price of Buffalo Bore is kinda pricey tho'.

Don't know about the Autuga platforn, but the BB .32 seems to play nice in my Guardian.

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