New moderators on the block

Mal H

Some of you have probably noticed the new names in the "moderated by" line for this forum. Oleg and I have joined Walt to take some of the load off the current moderators and administrators. They have certainly done a yeoman's job keeping all of us "in line" since TFL took it's first breath.

I personally have assured him I will always "take the high road". I urge all members to do the same. If we all do, I guarantee the fun won't stop.

Oh, and as for Rich's unique recruiting technique, my arm should be Ok in a few days. I've gotten a cortisone shot and it's feeling much better already. :)


New member
Welcome! I hope we won't make your task as hard in the future as perhaps it's been for Walt,, in the past.

[This message has been edited by Joseph (edited January 23, 2000).]


New member

Glad you've come aboard!

But where's Walt?
Is he on some kind of sabbatical?

------------------ the 2nd., for it saves us all.
No fate but what we make...

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Greetings Mal H, Thanks for joining the
moderators. Really enjoy this forum, so
we need all the support we can get!!!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I noticed the new moderators.

I have to say that, as a fairly new particpant on TFL and having read a lot of the posts and responses by those individuals chosen as new moderators, I think Rich has shown some wisdom in his choices. The more I learn about this guy the more impressed I am.

The new moderator group looks like a good thing to me. I came along about the time Rich seems to think things were getting a little too wild (maybe a little after).

I noticed it too. BUT, I also noticed a quality of expertise and passion about the issues I hadn't been able to find before. I made up my mind early that this forum was worth my time. I'm totally friggin' addicted!

It's guys like Rich, Harley, George, Mal, Gy Schmit (sp?), Coinneach and all the other moderators and participant and, of course, legends like Gale McMillan, that make this THE forum for responsible gun ownership, et al, and I mean it. THE FORUM.

I believe TFL is something special and its future has only begun. The potential impact of the collective energy, knowledge, wisdom, patriotism, and love of the issues that I sense here is immeasurable.

Rich and the rest of the moderators truly have a tiger by the tail. I have personally committed to help in any way I can as a participant.

Maybe one day, I can truly volunteer for some meaningful aid to Rich and the guys. (When my wife says the remodeling is done. I know, I'm screwed!)

But in the meantime, Mal, if there is ever anything I can do to help put a fire out or help in any way, just remember, I don't need my name over in the left with a title underneath. I just want you guys to know that all you have to do is ask, and ye shall receive. I'm in this for the long haul.

Peace and Good Luck.

Bud Helms
Fort Valley Gun Club (GA)
Executive Range Officer
NRA Life, GOA Life

"Put the spirit at center and the body will find it." - Shino Takazawa, sinsei, hachi dan, Keishinkan do.
(Get your mind right and the body will follow. Focus...)
Sensop's Corner

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited January 23, 2000).]