New Moderator in town!

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
While we are all saddened by the passing of Dave McCracken, life still goes on.

The Staff at TFL would like you all to give hogdogs a hearty welcome, as the new moderator of this forum.


New member
Great Choice

Excellent and he sure adds a unique and versatile perspective to this forum... :D

Good luck, hogdogs and,
Be Safe !!!

Lee Lapin

New member
Welcome, Brent, and congratulations. You have some big shoes to fill, but at least you paid attention to the guru for long enough to have a real start on knowing the job. Glad to have you in that chair,



New member
Don't you go gettin all uppity on us hogs...still wanna hear that 'down to earth' wisdom of yours.

Congrats and you'll do great.


Staff In Memoriam
I will always be the down to earth (I done heard what happens when you make wings and try to fly to the sun) redneck feller...

One nice thing about this spot to moderate is it is generally quite civil and not a bunch of off topic stuff to worry with as some of the sections of TFL...

Granted... Those of us who have used this section for more than a few months or a year realize the zombie gun threads and other such nonsense DOES reoccur on an almost predictable schedule:D

Right now we seem to be in an appreciated slump which will give me time to settle in and get used to this... ;)



New member
Congrats.......just make sure to belittle the mall ninjas on a regular basis...oh and remind people that a shotgun doesn't need 12 different battery powered attachments to function. ;)


New member
good luck Brent I'm sure you will need it! better you than me I tell ya.

i hope this is a voluntary post and you weren't hornswagled in to it.:confused:

:Dyea ...yea give it to ole hog ...i dont want it...those guys are crazy:D


Staff In Memoriam
I ain't real bright. I took the job after I was told I would be paiid double the membership fee and 20% annual raise...