New Missouri Law


New member
The longer I live in Missouri, the happier I am about having moved to Missouri.

The latest:

The law does not require, but does encourage, school districts to provide NRA Eddie Eagle safety courses for first graders.

I don't recall seeing this in Florida, Georgia, Maine, Texas, or Washington state; I would expect it to be anathema in Massachusetts or Hawaii. (I mention those states because I lived in them as an adult, at various times.)

But in Missouri, I am not surprised - though I am still happy.


New member
Being optional, can you give us a sense of how likely school districts are to implement the program from a funding point of view? Or does the NRA help fund the Eagle Eddie program at all?

Seems like a good step forward, especially being optional versus mandated. I could see issues arising if it were mandated.


New member
Excellent !!!

Just a few years back, a course like this was optional or elective, in some Iowa school districts. Upon completion, they were given their Hunter Safety Certification. It was a very popular course. I could be wrong by today, am not aware of and school district in Iowa that still provided this education. Just too much political, not to have it and there has always been a question of liability. Although I would personally like to see it mandatory, It's really best to let this sleeping dog lie. .... .;)

Be Safe !!!


Lake County Florida school board plan....

The NRA school gun safety training & Eddie the Eagle have been around for years.
I recall a episode of CNN's Pierce Morgan, where his guest was a older guy who had a use of force event & was a former NRA member.
The crusty, brash guest said the NRA had no safety programs or any concern for gun safety. He went on to say the NRA only wants $$$ & they don't care about gun violence.
I wanted to put my fist thru a wall.
When mainstream media or popular TV/print outlets have sources or guests who slur 2A groups/gun owners or put out false details it irks me.

In Lake County Florida, the local school board approved a new plan to add a "special" group of trained volunteers to provide school security & patrol school property. These security group members will be unarmed. :rolleyes:
This mindset & the "hey we are broke & don't want to get sued" cop-outs really irk me too.
As Sandy-Hook & other school/spree shooter events get further away in the rear-view mirror, more & more school districts/educators will want to cut corners or save $$$.
