New Microsoft Product could have saved Dan Rather....


New member
Varmint Al sent this to me, and I just had to share....


Introduce a new product in our Office line called Microsoft Forger. Microsoft Forger is the ultimate product for pundit-proof forgery.

Even if you are just getting into forgery or are an old hand, this product will deliver all the power that you need to turn out credible documents with little or no effort.

Just look at some of the incredible features included:

Output machine selection - Select from a variety of emulators for everything from manual typewriters, IBM Selectrics, early model word processors such as Wang and many others.

Font selection - Once you have selected the machine type, font selection is limited to only those fonts actually available for that machine. No longer will you make stupid mistakes like selecting Times New Roman for memorandum that were suppose to be outputted on a IBM Selectrics.

Read the whole product review:

Dave Markowitz

New member

:D :D :D


New member
Ok, this has got to be one of the funniest yet.
Thanks, I needed the lift after all the recent negative BS from the media.


New member
I love this. This whole document fiasco is the best thing I've seen on the news in as long as I can remember.

Dan Rather: Dead man walking.

- Gabe


New member
I have watched the CBS evening news at 6:00 PM for a great many years.
I normally watch Blather at 6:30 and usually curse his attitude toward President Bush and Republicans in general. When he was over in Irag I actually wished him ill.
Since this last dose of pure unadulterated BS, I will no longer watch at 6:30. :barf: :barf: :barf: