New member
Hello, I am a great fan of this site, and thought I would reply to all your great articles ( and get in on the great debates ).



New member
Thanks Tom, you`re the first one to reply to any of my postings... May your days be plentiful, and your blessings many...


Jim V

New member
Hey, welcome to TFL.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
Welcome! My favorite ammunition is Triton 135 gr HP. I'll be expecting a case within the week.

What? You didn't know that all newbies are supposed to give members a case of ammo in tribute? The administrator is falling down on the job! :)

David Scott

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by buzz_knox:
Welcome! My favorite ammunition is Triton 135 gr HP. I'll be expecting a case within the week.

What? You didn't know that all newbies are supposed to give members a case of ammo in tribute? The administrator is falling down on the job! :)

Apparently you don't care what caliber? Triton makes 135 gr. rounds in .40S&W, .40 Super, .357 SIG and 9mm. Or do you need a case of each? :)

Mike in VA

New member
Welcome to TFL, dude. Hanging out here will make your hand steadier, you eye sharper, and your patience greater. I like 185 gr. CorBon for my Ultra Carry, 230 gr H/S or Golden Sabres for the Kimber Classic :) ;).


New member
hey guys, thought I'd speak up and let you all know how much fun I've had reading through this site -- posted my first stuff tonight (about the Steyr S40). I'm pretty new to all this with guns; been to the rental range ten or so times and now that my brother just turned 21 we're shopping for our first guns. this site's been a tremendous resource for educating ourselves on the subject.

FYI, we've decided to move up to firearms as a kind of natural progression: we practice martial arts and have a certain amount of training in various weapons. also, we have a restaurant in the middle of our city's bar/restaurant district, and now that we've gotten to know what goes on underneath the sleepy facade of a medium sized college town, we've decided to carry somewhat bigger sticks, so to speak.


New member
Thanks guys, I hope you got all that ammo I mailed to your addresses, OOOPS! did I say mailed??? Damn mailman probably confiscated it gor his own "Postal" needs... ( guess I should have sent it UPS RED(overnite) like we needed to pay yet even more to ship our fine "Shootin Irons" to wherever they need to go for servicing! :rolleyes:
Oh, sorry, I got carried away again... lol
Thanks for all your replys...Hope to talk to you all again soon...


[This message has been edited by GIT_SOME.45 (edited June 09, 2000).]


New member
Welcome to TFL GIT. You won't find a better bunch of folks then you will find here :)

Happy Shooting :)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.


New member
David, I like the way you think. I'll take a case of each (it'll give me an excuse to buy pistols in .40 Super and .357 Sig).


New member
Welcome to the club GIT_SOME.45. There are a lot of knowledgeable folks here that can help you with just about anything gun related you might need to know. Have fun.

Torpedo ( Life is great if you can survive it!)