New member saying hello


New member
Hello everybody! My name is Chris and I joined this forum to learn as much as possible about handguns. I've owned rifles and shotguns my whole life but I'm taking the plunge into handguns which (I'll be honest) I don't know much about at all other than (as with all firearms) safety comes first. Hopefully you will have patience as I will probably ask alot of "newbie" questions :D .


New member
Welcome aboard. Ask whatever you need. There are enough people here that someone will have an answer for you.


New member
Thanks everyone. Hey sensop, regarding your signature, I heard John Wayne say that once in an interview. Not sure if he's the one who first said it. I like it though.

Smokey Joe

New member

and hail fellow well met. Re: Newbie questions: A sincerely asked question is deserving of a thoughtful answer. You wouldn't have asked if you didn't want to know. And less ignorance is always better than more ignorance.

I've heard it said that, there are no stupid questions, and, if there were, they would still be a lot easier to handle than stupid mistakes.

So fire away with your ???'s. As has been stated, you'll find this forum to be well populated with people eager to share their experience.

Psalm 144:1

New member
You probably won`t like it here.

All these people apparently own guns! And have opinions! On second thought,maybe you will like being here. You`re certainly welcome.