New mag load out for binary trigger


New member
I have 2 frankilin binary triggers and should have an echo soon.

The FBS triggers really work great for double taps at close range. I dedicated upper builds toward faster cycling with these. Have been 100% reliable. I wouldn't be surprised if these become a new standard.

I've been contemplating changing my emergency mag load outs dedicated to double taps, e.g. Alternating round types.

62 grain green tips alternating with heavy hp's seems the most obvious.

Thoughts on this particular line of reasoning?

Let's assume a certain number of "range toy" comments about these triggers to spare those of you inclined to make such comments from having to do so.

Thanks in advance four your helpful input.



"The FBS triggers really work great for double taps at close range.
Let's assume a certain number of "range toy" comments"

You're wanting to mix and match ammo for " double taps at close range"?
Why????? Sounds like maybe you drank the "carbine class" Kool-Aid.
ASSuming you're considering this as a defense use, neither of the mentioned bullets would be MY first choices(unless you expect your adversary is going to be wearing body armor).


New member
Meh. I'm waiting for the trinary triggers to come out.

But, I wouldn't be using different rounds with different POIs.
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New member
The only reason I would even consider using green tips in my AR for defensive reasons is if I seriously thought I was soon going to have to defend myself from people wearing body armor or hiding behind cement and brick walls or maybe shooting at me from inside a car. In all of the situations, I would first very seriously ask myself why I'm not instead changing my circumstances.

Inside close residential areas, I use 60 grain V max to promote the round breaking up through walls. It's not perfect, but it's better than most anything else capable of stopping a person inside a house.

If I didn't have such restraints (lots of land, house far away from anybody else, business property with a lot of backstops etc.) I would consider using something like a 64 grain Barnes hollow point.

I see no reason at all to alternate rounds and have to guess where each one is going to land.