"New" Llama


New member
Just had a friend give me a Llama 9mm pistol. Looked sort of rough so I thought it could be a truck gun or project. Turned out the pistol which is modeled almost line for line on the all steel Colt .45 commander cleaned up very well and except for some minor rust damage to the holster side now looks really nice. Have not shot it yet and the take down procedures were just a Little off the Colt, in that you have to position the slide cut out in front of the slide stop not over it like the Hartford version. After clearing that little nugget it broke down and went back together like a dream. Anybody have any experience with the large 9mm version of the Spanish imports?


New member
Llama's were a fairly dependable brand for the dollars much like Astra and Star. I would think it would be a great" truck "gun.


New member
I own several of the Llama 9mms. Great little guns for the price. Their size allows it to eat up the recoil and they are fun to shoot. Mags are the same as the 1911 mags out there.




New member
There are a lot of Llama bashers out there that can't wait to tell you...Before that happens, let me say I've been well pleased with their guns...Mostly .45's and one in 9mm Largo....Looking forward to your range report...:)
BTW, in their revolver series, I consider the Comanche as one of the best ever made...


New member
I own a number of Llamas and they shoot quite well. They CAN be a very good buy for the money but be careful. It seems some people think Llamas are junk guns and seem to have treated them accordingly. Lots of them seem to have very extensive outside wear, scratches and dents and the like, but often the internals are very nice. They can be diamonds in the rough as yours seems to be. They aren't Colts but they shoot nearly as well. Replacement parts are the biggest problem I've found.


New member
Humm and spare mags if you buy Llama's, nearing $40 per...hope the comment about them using the 9mm colt mags is true. :D

LarryH1108 did you have that silver slide one re-finished? I was thinking of having my new one reblued..


New member
Hi sulaco,
The silver slide was purchased as you see it. He claims it is in the white and was bead blasted. It hasn't shown any signs of rusting and seems to have a coat of some kind on it. I emailed him to ask what he used and he claimed (again) that is was in the white and nothing more.

The 1911 9mm mags work fine. I like to have enough mags for each pistol I own to hold 50+ rounds (a box) so I have a total of 12 mags (2 9mm Llamas)of which 4 are Llama and the other 8 are aftermarket. Midway usually stocks them in the $20 area. They all work fine with no hiccups and I've used them for years with no issues.

Well used 9mm Llama that still shoots perfectly.

Everyone wants a 9mm 1911 for less than $800 and these 9mm Llamas go for ~$300. Yeah, it's not a pure 1911 but it shoots like one, looks like one, strips like one and has the weight of one. If all you want it for is range fun then consider one of these. You don't even have to tell your gun buddies you own one! I mean, they'll laugh all the way to the cash machine to pay up for their name brand 9.

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