
New member
Took my daughter with me for a ride out to the LGS today to check on my order for a new Glock 42 (.380). Unfortunately I am number 52 on the list! While looking in the show case, my daughter pointed out a "cute" little auto. As it just happened to be, the "cute" little gun was a new stainless LCP which I had been eyeballing in blue. So, took the two cuties (daughter and gun) home with me. She loves my Walther P22 and Sig Mosquito, so will be interesting how she shoots the little .380.

So, getting around to the point of this post to you LCP owners. Have you found a good way to lift the take down pin without jingering it up or the surroundings? I am looking at various plastic things on my work bench, but hope that someone cracked that nut already? :)


New member
Put a old t-shirt (or other thin piece of cloth) over the area and use a small screw driver to pop out the pin. I bought a LCP when they first came out and that method has kept me from screwing it.


New member
I use the mouth of an empty .38 special case. The .380 empty will work, but the longer case has better leverage.


New member
Was finally able to get out to the range and shoot the new LCP. I was pleasantly surprised in the reliability. I tested 8 different mfgr ammo up through top Winchester Silver tips. Went through about 200 rounds without a single flaw. The little gun ate it all.

Groups were nice and tight (3 inch ish) out to 15 yards even with the the poor little sights. The only real complaint I had was the slide lock was tough to engage and mag was a little hard to insert unless the slide was locked back. However seemed to get better as I went along.


New member
Sounds like a good day at the range :cool:. The carry sights on small / pocket guns would suggest otherwise, but it's amazing how accurate the little pistols are :D.


New member
My wife bought me an LCP for my birthday last year and I like it. I haven't ever carried it, I'm not a .380 fan but it's fun to take out and blast away with now and then. It shoots pretty good especially considering it's tiny size and it's 100% reliable with Hydra Shok, Golden Saber, Starfire, and Cor Bon DPX.


New member
Personally, I would not choose any gun in .380

"Caliber wars" aside, .380 ammo seems to be next to impossible to find.

My current EDC is a 9mm.
Seems like the easiest caliber ammo to find.

Old John

New member
Yeah, but I'm not much on .380's, though. So, I'm thinking awful hard about buying myself an, Ruger LC9.
My Dear Wife is the same way. She won't carry anything smaller than a 9mm.
And 9mm ammo is easier to find, out here in the country, too.
It'll just have to be an LC9. for us.


New member
I'm thinking awful hard about buying myself an, Ruger LC9.

I was thinking of buying a LC380 for my wife but bought her a LC9 instead and glad I did. After reading the manual, I found out the 380 isn't rated for the plus p ammo I was going to use in it but the 9mm is rated for plus p ammo.

I was also surprised by its accuracy and how much easier it is to shoot compared to the Kel-Tec P32 I traded in. It also ate any ammo I put in it. Its the first Ruger I've owned and it made a very good impression.

lee n. field

New member
I found out the 380 isn't rated for the plus p ammo I was going to use in it but the 9mm is rated for plus p ammo.

Is there an official SAAMI +P .380 standard? A bit of g00gling seems to say "no", which would explain why Ruger doesn't support that.


New member
380 ACP

I have owned many .380 autos and none have been reliable. The ammo of old was not good with the technology of days past, but, I may purchase a Glock 42 to complete my Glock Trifecta! Along with my new twins, the 41 and 30S, this pocket-rocket may prove that the .380 caliber can work finally. The caliber is not rated highly, save the fact that if this size gun is the only option in some scenarios ... ANY GUN IS BETTER THAN NONE! A .380 in the hand beats a 500 S&W back home in the safe or glove box, by far!

I will post videos and news on it when I collect it in the near future. Most test it at short range and slowly ... it is just another gun and can probably shoot far and fast, it is just smaller...


New member
Had a LCP .380 for about a year and then traded it in on a used Colt Mustang. I just did not find the LCP fun to shoot due to it's light weight and the resulting recoil. Love the Mustang and have since added another on to the safe. Blued this time.

I did find the LCP to be reliable but I shoot the Mustangs much better than I could the LCP. Perhaps due to anticipated recoil on the LCP.