New Kel-Tec website


New member
Kel-Tec has revised their website, the last one wasn't very good. It looks to be still in progress. The P-40 isn't listed under their products, discontinued??? or maybe they are still working on the site.


New member
Good because that last redesign was really poor, IMHO. Their website was even out of commission for sometime while they got the last redesign set up, but this one looks MUCH better. Simple, organized and straightforward, but the graphics are on the plain side and look like they're from a basic website design template. The P40 definitely isn't there anymore, discontinued?


New member
Here is a good page on their website:

A .32 pistol comparison chart. There are some errors and I have e-mailed KT with the following: NAA Guardian trigger pull is 13 lbs. (per the NAA website) vs. the 8.5 - 9 lbs. that they list. The Autauga .32 trigger pull is 8 lbs. vs. 12 lbs. The Autauga height, weight & length are slightly off.


New member
Alamo, did Cliff provide any rationale for dropping the P-40? (I got a short note from Kel-Tec this morning, confirming the same).


New member
He said that they were getting too many back for repair that had nothing wrong with them. The P-40 is very susceptible to limpwristing problems due to its very light weight and the powerful .40 round. It apparently has to be held very firmly or it can jam. I fired one once & it jammed several times, don't know if I wasn't holding it firmly enough or if there was another problem.


New member
That's interesting about the P40. I have one (along with a P11 and two P32s). Mine has had numerous jamming problems. I had read about "limp wristing" being a problem, and that's what Kel-tec told me when I called. While a vise-like grip may help, I think it's a little silly to say that the P40 problems are user error. I'm 6'2" and 235 lbs. I've been shooting all types of handguns since the mid 1970s. I made a concious effort to hold my P40 very firmly (always two-hand hold). I've never had this type of problem with any other handgun. If I can't hold it firmly enough when shooting calmly at the range and focusing on this, I don't think I'd want to count on this gun in a self defense situation.

I'm still hopeful that I can get my P40 working reliably. I've done the following to the handgun:

1) As Kel-tec suggested, I bent the top of the magazine spring down somewhat so that it is parallel with the other coils (the top coil was originally bent up at a sharper angle).

2) I bought some .40 ammo with lighter bullets (I'd tried 4 or 5 brands of 180 gr ammo, mostly FMJ, and experienced numerous failure to feed problems with all).

3) I polished the feed ramp with fine sandpaper. This gives me the most hope. It was originally pretty rough, and bullets would catch and not feed into the chamber. Since I polished it, it seems to feed much more smoothly when manually cycling the action.

4) I slightly polished and lubricated the slide rails, etc.

I haven't had a chance to try it since making these changes. I'm hoping the thing will work reliably. If not, I think Kel-tec may have made the right decision in pulling it from the market.



New member
Doesn't sound like your problem is limp wristing, but I could see how it could happen to others. I'm not a gunsmith, but I think the basic problem is too much pressure / recoil for such a light gun - too many things that can go wrong. There are plenty of reliable P-40s but too many that aren't.