New Kahr T9 now shipping


New member
Umm, matte stainless steel, wood grips and the P9 design- great looking gun. Add to that Kahr quality and I think I'm in love. Wonder what these will cost. I think you may have found me my first Kahr (sometime in the next year or so).


New member
Arggghh! "Tactical" :barf: Why can't marketing people be original? Another perfectly good word rendered meaningless! :barf:

Nice looking gun, though. :D


New member
There are two T9 models. The "Tactical" has Novak night sights and the "Target" has MMC adjustable sights. Otherwise I believe they are identical.
They both list for $735.


New member
service pistol ?

It's probably too expensive, but I wonder if it might be adopted as a service pistol somewhere? Maybe if they came out with a .40 version.


New member
I mentioned this gun on

I still must ask, 'Why?' It is bigger than a Glock 26, which holds two more rounds, and weighs more. Does this gun have a market? Where? Who? Why? Is it better than a SIG P225 or P239? They can be made DAO if that is the appeal. Is it the steel frame? I would rather have an STI LS9 or BLS9, but if I want a big single stack 9mm, how about a H&K P9S, S&W 952, SIG P210, Colt 1911, or Springfield 1911?

It is made for the person who wants a big, heavy, long trigger pull, 8 shot, 9mm. Who is that person? I have a question for them. WHY? Honestly, this makes less sense to me than the SFS for the BHP and 1911, at least it has an LEO application. I do not understand.

chaim, why does gun appeal to you? What do you like about it? I am not saying you are wrong for wanting it, but I honestly never saw a market for this pistol.


New member
That looks like a very nice piece. Kind of puts me in mind of the 3913. I think it would make a sweet carry gun.


New member
I still must ask, 'Why?' It is bigger than a Glock 26, which holds two more rounds, and weighs more. Does this gun have a market? Where? Who? Why?

IMNSHO the Market for the T series pistols is shooters who are already Kahr owners who have fallen in love with their 'lil hideaway guns and would like to have a larger one for duty carry and/or IDPA (however I still think they should have figured a way to fit 10 rounds in the T series).

Many experts tell us that our carry piece and our practice piece should be the same gun ... and if not the same gun they should be of the same manufacturer so you are training with the same actions.

John Forsyth

New member
I think Zundfolge is on the right track. I do not know anybody carrying a full size 1911 in 9mm, but I see a whole lot SA Loadeds in 9mm at IDPA matches. The larger Kahr should make a great SSP pistol for competition. I just wish it was 9+1 vs 8+1.


New member
I saw this gun at SHOT and my response was about the same as Jeff's. Maybe if they made it a bit fatter and made it take Beretta magazines. Then we would be talking. :)


New member
Zundfolge and John Forsyth: IDPA is a game of speed (alhtough they claim it's more accuracy biased). Therefore you will see 9mm 1911's in ESP and also overall they would be the top choice. With Kahr you would be handicapped with longish trigger travel despite it's heft. In SSP you are much better off with say G-19 (even G-26) than T9.

The only application I can see for T9 is for very recoil sensitive people with very small hands wanting a dedicated DAO house, or car gun.

David Roberson

New member
Well, I'm with Zundfolge. I want one. I already have a K9 that I like a lot, and the idea of a K9 with longer barrel and better sights really appeals to me. Yeah, there are lighter guns, and yeah, there are guns that hold more ammo. Who cares? If those factors were the most important for everyone, we'd all be shooting Kel-Tecs and Glocks. To my hand, the Kahr is the best-feeling small semi that there is.


New member
Hey Jeff,

No flames here. . .

Honestly, I quit buying guns that have a "purpose" or a "niche" a looong time ago. If I got rid of all of the guns that don't really fit a specific purpose, I'd narrow my collection down to the point it would be unbearable.

Some guns I have just 'cause. :D



New member
IDPA is a game of speed

There are 2 basic types of competitors in IDPA. The guy who approaches it as a game to be won and the guy who wants to get good using his gun in a "tactical" situation. (most are a blend of both I know, but I'm simplifiying to make a point)

Those who are of the second type and carry a Kahr (as soon as my MK40 gets here I'll be in that group) might like a gun that is similar to their carry gun so the IDPA training has some "real world" application.

I think many understimate the market for this gun.

Oh well, variety is the spice of life :)


New member
Hey Shake, no problem. I understand completely. To me the guys that own .357 mag Desert Eagles are in the same boat. I have a couple of them myself (a Bren Ten and an Astra Ruby).

I love my MK9 and will be there once any problems are rung out on the PM9, but never considered a bigger version. I sure never considered using it in SSP for IDPA. It is two rounds short of the limit and the extra reload would kill you on an 18 shot stage. I went to the MK9 from a Walther PPK because I got a 9mm in the same size package as a .380. As big as the KT9 is I would take a number of pistols over it as a carry gun, BUT that is a decision that each of us has to make for ourselves.


New member
"There are 2 basic types of competitors in IDPA. The guy who approaches it as a game to be won and the guy who wants to get good using his gun in a "tactical" situation. (most are a blend of both I know, but I'm simplifiying to make a point) .......Those who are of the second type and carry a Kahr (as soon as my MK40 gets here I'll be in that group) might like a gun that is similar to their carry gun so the IDPA training has some "real world" application. "

Ok. That's why I shoot G-26 in IDPA. And Kahr people should shoot MK's if they want to be "tactical", rather than getting an edge. My point was that you would obviously shoot T9 if you wanted an advantage, but why only get partial advantage?

"...variety is the spice of life"

Now that's true. If you want one just because, get it by all means. The more choices the better. Get two of each if you can afford 'cause more is better.