New Kahr PM9, first range trip.


New member
Just got back from my first trip to the range with my Kahr PM9.

The gun was purchased on 10/30/02, and had been at my dealer less than a week.
Before heading to the range, I had wiped the gun down, used grease on
the rails and underside of the slide, and put a few drops of synthetic oil in strategic places.

Here are the stats:
Winchester 115gr fmj
(Walmart 100ct) - 63
Winchester 115gr jhp - 37
S&B 115gr fmj - 50
Norinco 115gr fmj - 12
Speer 124gr +P jhp - 6
Fed. HydraShok 124gr jhp- 6

Total = 174 rounds
(Dangit! Won't be broke in for another 26 rounds!)

Failures, jams, ftf, fte = 0
Yep. Zero. Nada. Zip.

I was shooting the 6 and 7rd mags that came with the gun, plus an extra MK mag I already had.

The gun certainly jumps around a little more than my MK9 did, but
it is not uncomfortable to shoot at all.
The trigger did not seem quite as smooth as my MK9 trigger was, but I had put about 600ds through it. (Before it was traded on the PM9.)
I did notice that the extended mag will pinch your pinky.
No big deal, but irritating.
That never happened on the MK9.
The 7rd mag was also more "sticky" when ejecting from the mag well.

The gun was accurate with +P ammo, but follow up time took a big hit.
As with my MK, I plan on carrying standard pressure ammo in this gun.
I was just trying to get the gun broken in, so I wasn't really shooting
for groups at this point. The group with the +P ammo was larger than the other ammo though.

I was surprised when I compared the Win. jhp to the Federal.
I planned on carrying the Winchester, because it is cheaper, but the 6 shot group from the Federal ammo was only about 2".
The Winchester jhp was easily twice that.
I'll test some more, but the gun seems to favor the heavier Federal round.

There were no feed failures of any kind.
I did notice something that someone else had mentioned about their PM:
If you pop in a full mag, with the slide locked back,
and "slingshot" the slide, it sticks open.
You have to bump it with your hand to get it to close.
If you depress the slide release lever, it chambers a round every time.
I'll see if that gets easier as the gun breaks in.

All pins stayed in place through the entire session.
No parts fell off.

At 10ft, I was able to punch out a 2" stick-on dot, using cheap ammo.
At 6 yards, shooting as fast as I could find the front sight, I put six out
of seven rounds in the head of a B27 target.(Whitebox ammo again.)

All of the hollow point ammo that I used had a rather long, slender bullet, with a small hole.
I have read where some guns have had trouble with JHPs that have a large hole.
Mine didn't hiccup on any of the hollow points.

I really could not have asked for better out-of-the-box performance out of this gun.
I was certainly nervous, after reading about the many problems with new PMs.

At this point, this gun has performed as well as my MK9 did.
I am looking forward to a long and productive relationship.:cool:


New member
Ida know. I kinda like my MK!! :cool:
Is yours an Elite?? (If such exists?)
I have sooooooo many plastic guns, that it is kinda refreshing to actually have something made of good solid steel!! :)
Is the polymer frame rated for +P+ like the steel frames are????


New member
I had a problem with the mag hanging up some on a Kahr. Take off the slide and drop out the mag. Then look into the frame and see if the mag release clears the mag well when you push it in. Mine did not. It was a replacement for one that would drop the mag every few shots. You may have to take a little out of the radius on the mag release so it clears the mag well and allows the mag to drop. It worked for me. Don't take any off the ridge that holds mag in though.


New member
As far as I know, the P-series guns are rated for +P+, but I couldn't imagine shooting any!:eek:

As far as the sticky mag, it is only the 7 rounder, and I only plan on shooting it at the range.
I'll wait and see on that.

And yes, I really like steel guns, but my MK wasn't working as a carry gun for me.
After a few more break-in rounds, I can easily see the PM9 being the ultimate "pocket gun".

I've got to take a picture of my guns.
It is starting to look like the three bears.
P95, PM9, P32.
All black polymer, with a shiny slide.



New member
I just called Kahr.
I was curious about the trigger on the PM9.
I had read that the P9 guns have the Elite trigger.
The gunsmith at Kahr confirmed this, and said that the PM9s also has the Elite trigger.

I don't have a guage or anything, but the trigger on my PM9 doesn't feel quite as light, (or as short, maybe?) as the trigger on my MK9 was.
I have heard rumors that Kahr will "recycle" guns.
My MK9 had a small machine mark above the trigger guard, but it had one of the lightest, smoothest triggers I have ever tried.

I've often wondered if I ended up with somebody's Elite trigger.
I guess I'll never know.

In all fairness, I need to get up to 600rds in my PM9 before I can compare it to the MK.

I am looking forward to spending more time with this gun.
Why can't we all be gun writers? :rolleyes: