NEW: Kahr P9 vs. Glock 26 review

Lord Grey Boots

New member
Oleg, got a pic that shows them side by side in order to compare height?

Your review matches my impression. The Kahrs are a good design, but still show some teething problems.


New member
Excellent write up and pics.
I love my MK9, but after the PM9 has been out a year or so,
I would certainly love to add one to my collection.


New member
strange - I use Speer 124 gr. +P's in my P9 without a single failure to feed! I guess it just shows how ammo sensitive guns can be. I practice with GA Arms ball ammo or S&B ball and have found the S&B to be extremely accurate. What ball ammo did you use, and what were your impressions?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
All three of my magazines (two came with the gun, one bought elsewhere) were bad. I think that a big lot of early mags wasn't welded right. That explained the failured to feed. However, I amnot sure why the P9 locks back with +P 124s now...I am not holding it tightly enough, most likely.

For ball ammo, I used Winchester white box and (mostly) S&B 115gr. The accuracy is fine with them (the target featured was done with ball) but I notice that S&B JHPs (which are my prefered load) yielded tighter groups yet. Not sure on other ammo (Remington 147gr, Speer 124+P) because I've not shot as much of it.


New member
did you notice a difference in the Win. and the S&B?

I am always fascinated by the differences in ammo performance from make to make and gun to gun!


New member
Thoughts on Baby Glocks and Kahr Pistols


I read and appreciated your article on the Kahr P9 and Glock 26. First of all let me say that Stephen A. Camp uses a Glock 26 as a pocket pistol. That tells me that pocket carry of a Glock 26 is possible.

It took me a long time to learn to like my Kahr E9. I questioned why I had bought it. It felt heavy in my hand and I had bobbles in every magazine until I had shot 200. Is there any truth that Kahr pistols need to be shot 200 rounds before you carry them? Yes, I haven't had a malfunction since. This little pistol will shoot with most service sized 9mm pistols. Interestingly, full sized Kahr pistols fit in holsters designed for Colt Officer sized pistols.

My thoughts on the Glock 26/27 are based on my owning a Glock 27. Mine came with Trijicon sights and is an excellent pistol. The Glock 26/27 is a more versatile platform. Why? If you combine an A&G adapter with a Model 19/23 magazine you will swear you are shooting a Model 19/23. My Glock 27 has been totally reliable from the start but its accuracy doesn't match my Kahr.

A lot of this is apples and oranges but it does seem to apply to your post. Thanks again for your comparison.




New member

I enjoyed your reviews of the Kahr P9 and Glock 26. I own both of these of guns. I've agree with you in that the Kahr is more accurate and conceals better because it is lighter and thinner. However, you can't go wrong with either gun.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello, Oleg. My P9's slide lock would engage prematurely, but only with +P ammo; worked fine with standard velocity rounds. However, mine was an early Kahr P9. Don't know if that's what's plaguing your pistol or not; just a thought. So far now, in over a thousand rounds of hot handloaded JHPs, factory +P, and standard ball, no malfunctions with the G26.


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New member

I don't know if this is my browser settings, or the review page. The text was in a very skinny column, which made it pretty hard to read the review, only a couple of words on a line is slow going.

With that said, it's an excellent review, and the pictures are very good for comparing the pistols. I think I may have to consider the Kahr, though I may hold out for the PM9...


New member
Excellent write up! I will 2nd that it was a little difficult to read because of the thin column of text. Maybe you could format it a little differently.
If you could only choose one of these to purchase, which would it be?


New member
oh yeah, forgot to mention that my slide did prematurely lock once or twice during the "break in" period, but not since - even with +p rounds. Can't explain the difference in our experiences!

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I like the P9 MUCH more than the Glock. It was the one real gun I could conceal well for a long time. However, they are functionally very close. The thinness of the Kahr is what makes it better for me. I upgraded from a Kel-tec P11 and never looked back.

I'll re-format the text. Please tell me your browser/screen size (in pixels)/OS.


New member
Oleg, I really liked the P9 when I bought it. But look through these forums where people detail their problems with polymer Kahrs - except for a broken frame, I had just about EVERY problem others have had. Premature slide lockback, failure to go into battery, trigger pin walkout, failure to activate striker when trigger is pulled - you name it, my P9 (or is it POS9?) had it.

Kahr, as a company, treated me ethically, and ultimately replaced the pistol. But like the saying goes, "Once burned, twice shy."

I now carry a Glock 26.

It's thicker than the POS9 was, but the G26 works very well indeed.

Eric Larsen

New member
I own a Kahr K40 and shoot a Glock 26..once in a blue moon.
Both are as reliable as a hammer. The loaded weight of the guns is very close and the 26 is much thicker. They are both topodaline guns. They are just much different dimensionally and ergonomically. I say, which ever fits your hand and twists your knobs the best....get it. The Glock and Kahr full size guns arnt pocket pistols IMO...Shoot well


New member
I'll reformat the text. Please tell me your browser/screen size (in pixels)/OS.

No worries on my account, I've already read the review. :) FWIW, my screen is 1024x768, this computer is running W98SE, and the browser is IE 5.5. I get the same result on another machine with Win2K, IE 6, also at 1024x768.

I was just mentioned it so other visitors would have an easier read of the review, no criticism of the content intended. :)


New member
I carry the G26, my wife carries the P9.

When we bought the P9 about 3 weeks ago, I shot about 150 rounds of CCI Blazer through it. On the first try with Hollowpoints, I had a misfeed on the first shot with 124gr. Gold Dot +P.

It bothered me, so I put Black Talons in it until I am satisfied that it can feed the Gold Dot's reliably. I hope the 200 shot rule is realistic.

Both are superb guns, and I found your review very fair to both Oleg.
