New Jersey


New member
Has anyone noticed the NJ house passed 22 gun laws? It's headed for the senate where it looks like an easy pass. I also read that Gov Christie will likely sign into law.


New member
I live in Hawaii which has the toughest gun control laws in the country. In spite of this our lawmakers are considering stacking more laws onto the pile.



New member
A point I failed to mention is, I thought Christie is a Republican. I've suddenly become a non-fan of his.

You can research this but some of the new laws cover things like magazine capacity and outlawing 50 caliber rifles.


New member
Elections have consequences.

We have three ways to make changes in this country. The ballot box, the jury box and the bullet box.


New member
A point I failed to mention is, I thought Christie is a Republican.

And you believed him?
Funny how he claims to be pro gun and blames all the restrictions on the Dems in Jersey saying that it's a loosing battle to fight them then out the other side of his neck he says these measures are responsible gun control.


New member
I don't know the numbers in their house. If he were no sign could be he over ridden? If not he is just a climber and doesn't want to take the hit from his real party. :eek:


New member

One has to wonder about a Republican being elected in a staunch lefty state. The exception would be Rudy J. in New York. I have always been doubtful about him.


New member
On the west coast there is California. On the east we have New Jersey. One day soon they will meet.:(