New Jersey Update (black bear hunt)


New member
New Jersey Update
On Wednesday, July 24, New Jersey citizens have an extremely important opportunity to make their voices heard on the New Jersey bear hunt issue. The New Jersey Division of Fish & Wildlife and Department of Environmental Protection are hosting a joint public forum on the bear management issue at 7:00 p.m. in the Vernon High School auditorium in Vernon. For many years, the hunting of black bear in New Jersey has been prohibited, in large part due to the efforts of a small but vocal minority of animal activists. A rapidly shrinking habitat, recent mild winters, and the lack of natural predators have combined to foster an exploding bear population throughout the state and, not coincidentally, a disturbing increase in the number of black bear attacks on humans. Those opposing the possibility of bear hunting in New Jersey are expected to be in full force at this forum, so it is important that sportsmen and concerned citizens make a strong and vocal showing!


New member
small but vocal minority of animal activists

Oh man, that's a good one....'small' minority of animal activists.

Hell, where I live controlling the deer population is done by the government using tax money to pay 'sharpshooters' from OTHER STATES to hunt deer.