New Jersey enacts 'Smart Gun' law


New member
I just read this. This may have been posted before,I don't know.

Article by the AP

TRENTON, N.J. (Dec. 23) - New Jersey on Monday became the first state to enact ''smart gun'' legislation that would eventually require new handguns to contain a mechanism that allows only their owners to fire them.

Gov. James E. McGreevey signed the bill into law requiring the ''smart guns,'' but the rule will not go into effect immediately because the technology is still under development. It could be years before it becomes a reality.

''This is common-sense legislation. There are safety regulations on cars, on toys. It's clearly time we have safety regulations on handguns,'' McGreevey said at Monday's signing ceremony.

Under the New Jersey law, smart-gun technology will be required in all new handguns sold three years after the state attorney general determines a smart gun prototype is safe and commercially available.

The New Jersey Institute of Technology is developing a smart gun prototype that would use sensors on the pistol grip to identify a user.

The owner would have his or her grip programmed at a gun shop or police range by practice-firing the weapon. A microchip in the weapon would remember the grip and determine in an instant whether the authorized user was holding the weapon. If not, the gun would not fire.

Supporters say the law will help prevent accidental gun deaths and suicides.

But opponents argued that it makes little sense to legislate about a technology that does not yet exist and have raised questions about its reliability.

''No technology is foolproof,'' said Nancy Ross, spokeswoman for the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs. ''Anyone who has a computer knows how many times it crashes.''


New member
Well, at least this will cut down on the number of negligent discharges that the po-po have. Hey, wait a minute . . . .:rolleyes:


New member
Lets just hope they dont make it a requirement for all guns .
Whos to say these chips wont malfunction if you ever needed
in an emergency . It's bad enough worrying about the gun itself
being reliable , now you could have 2 things to worry about :(