New Jersey and Hollow Points


New member
I have a friend from New Jersey who was just given a 1911 for his birthday. He's coming south for a week and I was going to give him some ammo. Are hollow points legal in N.J.? Seems like I read somewhere there might be a problem with them on the legal side?

I'm thinking about giving him a choice of either Georgia Arms gold dots or full metal jacket.


New member
How's he going to get them home? Airplane, long drive? Meh. Is he taking I-95 though Washington DC at any time? Sounds like it would be easier to give him a gift card to cabela's and he can order them online himself, removing much of the legal worry of each and every state he has to pass through to get home. NJ also recently added a rule that only firearms purchaser ID holders can buy ammo, unless it is for immediate use at the range it's bought. If your friend at LEAST a FPID holder? Is he's ever bought any kind of gun in NJ (legally) he should be.

I'm in NJ and could never get a great answer as to the NJ & Hollowpoints rules. From what I understand, hollowpoints are okay in NJ but only in legal use and only for range shooting, in home defense, and MAYBE hunting (I'm really not sure on that last one). I bought my first batch of hollowpoints at my local range only after inquiring what the rules are of them...

In NJ, no one but an active duty LEO can carry hollowpoints in their carry weapon. Even retired LEOs can't carry hollowpoints in their carry weapon. Not that it matters too much because regular citizens in NJ can't carry anyway. Additionally, anyone caught doing something illegal and possessing hollowpoints is subject to tack on charges.

I'm no lawyer, just take anything I say here as something else to worry about unless you feel sure you can debunk it.

44 AMP

Gift card/ cash gift

Best thing to do for him. Lets him get what he wants, and ensure he won't run afoul of any laws during transport.

Or just give him a couple of boxes of soft points (if you can find them) or FMJ. Soft points may be ok, depending on the exact wording of the laws, or they may not be, in NJ. I don't know.

I think the best thing overall is the gift card idea.


It's fine to give him hollow point ammunition. When transporting it in New Jersey just keep it in a closed and fastened container (ammor box), preferrable locked, and transport the container as far away from the driver as possible, as in a trunk if vehicle is so equipped.

He can't use it in his 1911 for SD in public, though. Only at home and for sporting purposes.


New member
That's the NJ law, but if he's driving, he's going to be going through a number of other states, and possibly Washington DC. EVEN IF it's legal, it doesn't mean he isn't running the risk of having a no-nothing officer in a gun grabby area getting on his case for it. Worse things have been known to happen. Personally, I'd rather not have the headache. Sad but true.


That's the NJ law, but if he's driving, he's going to be going through a number of other states, and possibly Washington DC. EVEN IF it's legal, it doesn't mean he isn't running the risk of having a no-nothing officer in a gun grabby area getting on his case for it. Worse things have been known to happen. Personally, I'd rather not have the headache. Sad but true.

I just really don't see it as an issue when the recipient of the ammo could go to Wal Mart, if they had any ammo in stock at the moment, and buy the same ammo he would be given. I would not hesitate at all to drive anywhere with a box or a case of JHP's in my car.