New ISSC M22 Target model


New member
Just picked this up the other day. I had decided to get another .22 in addition to my Buckmark. I wanted something a little different. Something not everybody had. And I found it. Austrian made ISSC M22 Target model. I haven't gotten to try it out yet, but will post a report after I get to do that.

It's compensated (yeah, I know, .22s don't need it), but it was there. The rear sight is adjustable. It decocks and has the rail to attach something if desired. It only comes with one mag and I had to buy a 2mm allen key (55 cents) to remove the front part, which is required to do a takedown. Seems like a cool little pistol. I couldn't find much when I tried to research it. What I did find was mainly on the regular M22, not the M22 Target which I have here.

Anyway, hope to get to the range before too long and will post a report at that time.



New member
I have a standard M22 and its ammo picky. It seems to only like CCI. Tried to shoot regular federal bulk .22 out of it and it was a single shot. I like the pistol though, its accurate with the bull barrel. Hopefully the gun will break in and I can run standard velocity ammo out of it.