New Hammerless Snubby on the way


New member
I stopped by our local shop on my way home today and ordered a S&W M-640 for the sum of five hundred and eighty-odd US dollars. It kinda hurt because the Taurus equivalent (don't know the model #) was sitting there in stock for $329.-- but Mrs. jd don't want no stinkin Taurus. I'll probably wind up with the stinkin Taurus.:rolleyes:

We've been trying a few loaner snubbies recently, and decided to go with the heavier all steel model in the interest of less painful recoil.

The new arrival comes in a week or so, and I hope we don't encounter any of the dreaded pit-falls such as barrel misalignment, internal lock malfunction, 30 lb. trigger pull, yada yada ... I'll keep ya posted. jd


New member
good luck with yours ... just got a 637 (airweight, with hammer) for $459 at Cabela's during their 4th sale ... taking it to the range for the first time today ... I plan on carrying it after making sure it functions and I can hit something with it ... it's even lighter than my regular carry gun, a PM9, tho of course it's down two rounds to the Kahr ...

Doc Intrepid

New member
Holy Schidt.

$580.++ for a S&W Centennial 640? :eek:

Prices really ARE going through the roof for these things.

Was in the local gun emporium last weekend and the clerk mentioned that a number of LEOs had recently traded in small automatics for J-frames, and I'm aware they are popular, but thats almost $600 bucks - what you could find a nice semi-automatic pistol for not so many years ago...

But the Centennial is a really nice revolver - I own one and carry it quite frequently.

Hope you and your wife enjoy it...


New member
Holy Schidt.

$580.++ for a S&W Centennial 640?

Prices really ARE going through the roof for these things.

Well, we kinda live in Bug Tussel, and don't have a local Cabela's Store. The local dealer is good folks and I hope he's making some on it. We want him to stay in business. Our area (county) has an unemployment rate of 20, yes 20%.:eek: Seems like about every other store front is empty. Can you just imagine how bad it would be if we hadn't been stimulated by the guvmint.:rolleyes: jd

Flipper 56

New member
Get yourself a Taurus Protector 357mag J-Frame equivalent.
I have a blued 357 that has worked well for years. Mrs jd isn't the type that has to have "Tiffany" jewelry :rolleyes: is she?


New member
The 640 is nice!

I've got a S&W Model 60, which is essentially the same as the 640 except with a hammer. It is a joy to shoot, even with .357 Magnums. I feel that the full weight of the stainless gun makes it such a nice shooting experience. No problem carrying it in both an IWB holster as well as a pocket holster.


New member

I got this several years ago...shrouded hammer...because I liked the SA/DA option, but thought it was one ugly piece at the time. It's turned out to be one of my favorites for CCW and I've learned to appreciate its beauty!! You know; "marry an ugly woman and be happy for the rest of your life"!!!


New member
Get yourself a Taurus Protector 357mag J-Frame equivalent.
I have a blued 357 that has worked well for years. Mrs jd isn't the type that has to have "Tiffany" jewelry is she

No, Mrs. jd makes most of her jewelry out of beads and hide and bone; but she is picky about some things though. For instance when it comes to computers she is a Macsnob. She loves our 686, and wants her CCW to be the same kind only bittier.

I might wind up with a Taurus, but I've gotta admit that when I was looking at the various Tauri the other day, the MADE IN BRAZIL kind of makes me go "Hmmmmm." I've had them, but gotta say that I like the smiths better.

I keep trying to refer to this pistol as ours, but I don't expect that to fly for long. I'm gonna try to have as much fun with it as I can however. After all, it's my job to develop good target loads for it and such.;) jd;)


New member

Get the 640! You know you want it. :D

I have one on order (back order, in fact).

Don't forget to post up a range report with your "shared" 640.



New member
The 640 .357 is my favorite firearm ever. Period.

Every once in a while, or perhaps only once ever, we encounter a gun that is simply a perfectly balanced blend of everything that we consider important in a carry piece. The 640, for me, is that gun.

Its weight, overall size/concealability, barrel length, trigger, caliber versatility, endless grip options, ability to have a night sight installed, corrosion resistance - everything comes together in a way that can only be termed "right".

Before buying the 640, I had never owned a carry gun that felt entirely right in every detail. And I haven't since. That is not to say that I don't wish it held 20 rounds - I do. But in the compromise-intensive world of selecting a carry weapon, I feel that this one makes all the right concessions, preserving what is critical (concealability, reliability and caliber) and sacrificing what is not (capacity and ergonomics).

You made an excellent choice.


New member
Let me preface this by saying all my guns are shooter and my j-frames get shot. After carrying my mod 60 a while, the weight did get to me. But I always figured it would be to my advantage if I had the added weight if I needed to shoot in a SD situation. Then came the day I had a chance to shoot my 60 & a buddies 642 almost side by side -- using the same ammo, the 642 needed some getting use to, but was acceptable and now that I've had some rounds through it, shooting it is getting more comfortable


New member
I've had a 640 (sans lock) for several years now and, though I like it a lot, it's just too darned heavy for me for regular pocket carry duties. I think it really needs a holster for comfortable carry but I'm of the opinion that if I have to use a holster, I will opt for a larger gun. I'm very happy with a 16 ounce Colt Cobra for pocket carry.


New member
I've wanted a 640 for some time now and if a lock-free version comes my way I'll probably pick it up. Sounds like the wife knows good guns!

For about $400 you could get yourself a lighter weight 642, another great S&W. I love mine, they're priced more reasonably, and I would choose it any day over a revolver out of Brazil.


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Find a'll never be sorry!

