New Guy Looking for First Handgun in Preparation for Tactics Course


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I'm looking for my first handgun. It will be used to prepare myself for a federal-gov't defense tactics course. I'm considering the purchase of an S&W M&P .40, and would like opinions on that weapon.

The course is an opportunity associated with my job. It involves attending a 1 week defense tactics training session put on by a department of the federal government. The gun I would be issued if I were to successfully complete the training is the H&K USP40 compact. This is also what would be used during the training, but I do not obtain the firearm until my arrival. I have about 6 months to prepare.

I have no real handgun training or experience, having been a regular civilian my entire life. I feel like I need to practice and improve my marksmanship if I have any chance of completing the course successfully. I grew up around hunting rifles and shotguns, and currently just own a remington 870 & baretta extrema2 for hunting/HD. Recently a Police Officer friend of mine took me to the range and let me fire his Colt 1911-style .45 and an S&W M&P .40.

I took a liking to the S-W M&P .40, as I could get fairly accurate shots with it after a bit of coaching. I was wondering if this would be a good semi-auto for me to purchase in preperation for my course. I would also use it for home defense after it had served that purpose. I've also considered the springfiled XD line and Glock 22 based on reviews I've read online. I could also get an H&K USP40 of my own for $495.00 if I wanted.

I am leaning toward the S&W M&P because I actually have used it, it's made in the USA, .40 S&W seems like a good round, it seem to get good reviews from what I've read, and I think it looks good. Plus I'd like some variety if I'm going to get issued the H&K, it seems redundant to have two of the exact same weapon.

Opinions, thoughts, comments? Thanks in advance.

PS: I apologize if anyone reads this elsewhere as I did post it in one other forum.
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New member
The pistols that you have listed all have good reputations. I have fired the XD, GLOCK, and Hk. I have handled, but never fired, a S&W M&P. I prefer the XD series and GLOCK 19 & 23 myself.
The USP has always felt large in my hand, and therefore I don't really like them. The new Hk45 and P30 are excellent. I feel that Hk really hit the nail on the head with these two. They fit my hand perfectly.
The Springfield XD fits my hand well, is very accurate, and I really like a lot of the features of this pistol.
The GLOCK 19 and 23 are my personal favorites out of all the GLOCKs. I shoot them very well, they are fairly compact, and the ammunition capacity is very good for a gun that size.

I would try and shoot as many of them as you can, and then make your decision. If the M&P does what you need it to do better than the rest, then I would buy it.


New member
How bad do you want to pass this training?

If you are serious about this training, and want to pass it, then buy yourself the gun you will be using in the course. I'm a big fan of "Practice like you play." If and when you get into the program, you can always sell or trade for the Smith later down the road. At the price of $495, you wouldn't even loose any money. You'll probably make some money when that day comes.


New member
The M&P is a great gun. I have the 9mm version, and I am very much impressed with it. I have shot well over 6000 rounds through it, not one malfunction at all. Great ergonomically, great magazines, and S&W has great customer service.

You can also find lots of holsters for this gun.

As for the .40 round, I have great respect for it. I am definitely a 9mm guy, but the .40 is great. Many police departments issue the .40 round. You cannot go wrong with any of the guns mentioned.

The Glock is great, and the HK is the cadillac of the bunch. I think the M&P is the best choice however.


New member
I'd say see if you can find a used HK USP Compact .40 that would be the best bet. If not, get a fullsize USP so that when you get your issued pistol you will have both :D


New member
Also I neglected to mention that the weapon used in the training will be the HK USP40 compact LEM (this one:, I think it has a different trigger pull than than the standard USP40.

I'm about to send off for the USP40 once I decide how many magazines I need and wether or not I want the cleaning kit. Unfortunately it takes 4-6 weeks to arrive, so I might still buy something else to tide me over in the mean time.

vox rationis

New member
IMHO, it is optimal to stick with one system for serious applications such as self defense, and LE, as people fight like they train, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to train to a high level with one type of firearm and system, only to carry another firearm/system.

Both the M&P and the Glock guns have had their problems, but overall they are considered to set a very high standard of reliability (and pretty darn good accuracy). In .40 I'd take the M&P as it was designed for this round to begin with, and the .40 Glocks have been the most problematic of the entire Glock line up. The 9mm Glocks can be argued to have set the gold standard for striker fired plastic semi-autos.

If you do your serious training with your issued gun type, and you simply want another gun for fun, then you can get pretty much whatever strikes your fancy at that point.

just my 2 cents worth

I think it has a different trigger pull than than the standard USP40

you are right, the LEM system is different to the "standard" Variant 1 USP DA/SA with safety/decocker unit