new guy intro


New member
Hey all,

I'm new to this forum and thought I'd put down some info 'bout me right up front as anybody can sign on and start posting--most anywhere these days.

I've been shooting and tinkering (non-professional mid-range smithing) with guns since I was about 15. I'm 42 now. Didn't have a gun guru dad or uncle, so I had to learn it all by reading and experience. Didn't have no interweb back when--heck that was before the Tandy Trash 80! (explain that to junior). So back issues and subscriptions to outdoors magazines got me started. And then books. P.O. Ackley, Precision Shooting, Wildcat Cartridges, O'Connor, Keith--stuff like that.

Loading came along in college (the eighties). Years after I learned how to hone triggers in such forgettable arms as the 742 (don't defend yours--if you like, tha's okay). I picked up a few trophies in competition around 94--mixed rifle and handgun, rim and centerfire. Now I try to get a few deer each season and stay armed most of the time--getting back into powder burning as I can.

Many gun projects around here in parts. Many good guns come and gone. Many more to try and enjoy and hold onto with my greasy paws. I like wildcats and big bad revolvers, carry a 1911, and have a hankering for a certain German battle rifle at may pass.:confused::rolleyes::D

Can shoot off the porch (but not while I'm urinating from said porch);) and have a few friends with class 3 stuff and a .50--it's all good.

Glad to find this forum, hope to contribute in a positive way.

Crisp triggers and good groups trump all in my book.


New member
Welcome, they say the new guy buys the ammo.
I'm 46 and got my first pellet gun at 10, my first black powder rifle kit at 12, built a 1858 Remington New Model after that. I've never been much of a hunter but have always had something or other lying around to shoot once or twice a month. Right now I have about 16 rifle and handguns to pick from. My latest is a Ruger 22/45. I am on the look out for a J frame Smith for when I think a 1911 is a little too bulky.