New guy and new handgun owner checking in!


New member
I just picked up a Ruger SR9 last thursday. :D Not the first handgun I've used by any stretch but the first that I've owned. I also applied for my CWP today here in Idaho. Now I'm trying to find a decent pair of holsters.

The SR9 really surprised me. I bought it based on ergo's mainly, that and it's slimness makes it ideal for carry. It's accuracy is easily on par with anything I've every used and recoil is very controllable. I've only had the chance to put 250 rounds through it so far and in that 250 rounds I haven't had any FTE or FTF's. The gun has performed flawlessly. The trigger was pretty smooth out of the box, but after I removed the mag safety the next day the trigger smoothed out even more. Anyway... enough rambling... on to some pics:p




New member
I would love to own one. hopefully i can save the 13 bucks a week from the president and buy one. I am hopeing that after the wife and I get a new used car we can pay down some debt so i can go out and buy a few more guns to add to my ruger p95 ruger p85 and a single action .357 that i inherited from my grandfather when he passed in 1992


New member
Oh I'm already in love with it. :D But I do want to get at least 1000 rounds through it so I can tell everyone how reliable it is.


New member
Congrats. My dad got one for himself for Christmas. I like it a lot; my only complaint is that stiff trigger. Apart from that, I think it's fantastic.


New member
First time owner here too. Not a first time shooter either, decently experienced. My first is a G23. Takin it shooting today hopefully. Gonna use PMC Bronze as my target load, gonna test out some of my defense rounds, Rem Gold Sabre and Fed HyrdaShocks. I got a Don Hume conceal paddle holster.

Can't wait until the gun show this weekend. I wanna get some Ranger Ts and Core-Bonded, get some Speer Gold Dots and some Hornadys.


New member
Great looking SR9. I've held a few but never fired it. Ergonomically, I really liked it.

Welcome to the forum btw.


New member

I have loved my SR9, awesome ergonomics, nice looking, the rail is nice to have as well. i think that was a good choice for a first buy !!


New member
I saw the SR9 the first time and went WOW. I was all excited about maybe getting one until I finally shot one...and it left me stone cold.

Not knocking the gun at all BTW, just saying it's really funny how some guns fit a person and some don't...but the next person will say "hey that's perfect". :D

Anyway congrats on the gun, enjoy it! and welcome onboard.