New Gun Safe Comes With Unexpected Accessory


New member
From the Chicago Tribune:
A man in western Ohio found nearly 300 pounds of marijuana stuffed into a Mexican-made gun-storage safe that he recently purchased on the Internet, authorities revealed on Sunday.
So he orders a new safe from Champion Safe Co. in Utah, and the safe is shipped from the manufacturing plant in Mexico, then to a warehouse in Ohio, then to the guy who ordered it. The driver who transported it from Mexico to Ohio is missing, I suppose he's more afraid of the cartels than the feds. The feds don't slice your head off and dump your body on the highway for screwing up.

So if anyone here ordered a new Champion safe you may want to check it out right away upon delivery! I doubt this is the first time they used this method of smuggling.

Bart Noir

New member
And all over the country, stores that sell the Mexican-made gun safes are opening their entire inventory of such.

I have no idea what is motivating the employees to do that...

Bart Noir


New member
I would imagine that someone at the warehouse in the US was supposed to intercept the contents and off load it. For what ever reason that didn't happen and it went on to the end user.


New member
I almost think, if the gun safe was actually filled with guns, they would have found it. You would think that customs would find this kind of stuff. If I was going to smuggle something (drugs), a gun safe would be the obvious choice.

I wouldn't want to be the dude that was suppose to intercept this stuff at the warehouse. Somebody is going to be very unhappy with them.


New member
Stuff like that happens all the time with airplane luggage. At least it did when my wife worked at a rehab facility that had a contract with United Airlines. Drugs got put into bags at one airport and pulled out of bags at another all the time. The easier the bag was to visually identify, the better.


New member
The thing that got me was that the safes are packaged by local inmates in Mexico. Considering the combination usually rides with the thing, I would think the possibility exists that Champion Safe owners may have combinations listed with Mexican gangs. Maybe. I could be wrong, but after working with inmates for 11+ years...I doubt it.