new gun purchase help


New member
I've found a nice S&W model 10 that i've got on layaway but it has come to my attention that there are 3 more guns i want but can only buy 2 of them.Here are my choices.So what i want is the model 10 + 2 of the listed below.

S&W model 60 3 inch .357
Ruger pc4 .40 cal carbine
S&W model 1006 10 mm
S&W 4006 .40 cal

which 2 would you buy


New member
A local gun store here had some police trade-in Ruger pc4s a while back at a reasonable price. I looked real hard at them but passed because they didn't really fill a niche I needed filling. The .40 SW still performs like a pistol round out of the carbine. While it would be more accurate at 25 to 50 yards, I just don't see the need for a weak shooting, short range rifle. The M1 Carbine even has more uumph. I think you can get a more suitable rifle for the money.

I personally like 3-inch revolvers for carry. Short enough to conceal in an IWB holster but with a decent sight radius. So, I would get the Model 60.

For my second choice, I would probably get the SW 4006 just because .40 SW ammo is more available.


New member
The only real advantage to a Ruger PC4 is if you also own

a Ruger P semi-auto pistol in 40 cal... just like with the PC9 and their P series 9mm pistols and don't get me wrong it is in my opinion a BIG advantage and worth having one comprable to one of the pistols... if you have or plan to own one or the other.... just would not be on the top of my list other wise.

So, I'd put the S&W model 60 next and the 3rd one is a toss up....

I think I'd rather have a lever action rifle in 357 than either of the two listed semis.... but then I don't know what else you got in stock already.