New grips for my Taurus 605


New member
I've been looking to change the original rubber boot grips on my 605 for some nice wood grips. In addition to just looking so much better, wood drags on covering clothing much less than rubber. The hardest decision was whether to stick with the boot grip or go with something that gives enough room to get my pinky on there. Obviously, a larger grip would be more comfortable (especially with .357 Mag), but it might also be harder to conceal. In the end, I chose Altamont's "finger groove" grip. It affords enough purchase for my pinky, but really isn't too much bigger or harder to conceal. When carrying IWB, you really don't even notice the slight bit of extra length.




The butt on the wood grip is slightly fuller (more comfortable to me) and just enough longer to get the pinky into play. Here are a few shots for size comparison:


When carried IWB, the extra material on the new grips is not even noticable.

lee n. field

New member
Those do look nice. What did it cost, and where'd you get it?

I've done the grip shuffle with my 605. Always looking. Am currently back with the factory rubber stocks, after I thinned out the thumb area so a speedloader would clear (known problem with factory stocks).


New member
I got them from Altamont for $43 plus shipping. They got here in less than a week. The grips are nicely made and fit pretty well. They came with a replacement (thinner) grip screw, as the factory screw will interfere with the gun firing due to the placement of the hole. I'm pretty happy with them, but I haven't gotten a chance to shoot with them yet. They certainly fit the hand better than the factory boot grip. In my experience, grip to hand fit is more important than grip material for comfort and controlling recoil.