New firearms blog -- what do you want to see covered?


New member
I'm launching a new firearms blog called The Shooter's Report (

So far there are just a couple of articles up, as I am just starting. I plan to do opinion, news, item reviews, etc.

So I thought I would take the time now to see what kinds of things TFL members would like to see me write about! Got a debate about something you want answered? Want to see a particular news item covered? Curious about an item and can't find a review on it?

I can't promise anything (I certainly couldn't afford a Kimber Ultra Carry or IWI Tavor to review, as much as I would love to :D) but if I can't write about something personally, I can try to find someone with experience in whatever it is when I know there's interest in it.

The article I'm working on now is called "5 reasons the .22 LR is underrated" and I see we've even had questions about that on the board recently.

Hope a little self promotion is OK here and that you guys have some interesting things you want to hear about.

Thanks everybody!


New member
"5 reasons the .22 LR is underrated"
How about a half dozen reasons why it's over rated?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the .22lr.
I just don't think it's role is understood.
I believe it belongs in the hands of only very experienced shooters.


New member
Thanks guys!

Will be looking at self defense articles, both the training and things one needs to consider about self defense.

Hal, what is it that makes you think the .22LR is overrated? I'm interested to hear your rationale. Might make a good counterpoint to the same article if you can give me some good things to think about :)


New member
A while back at the range I saw an older gentleman teaching a little girl to shoot a .22 rifle. She seemed to be his granddaughter, and I thought there might an interesting story there.

Getting out and interviewing everyday people at the range and learning how and why they got into shooting would be interesting to me. It might also help the perception of shooters in the public eye, since Ted Nugent was apparently elected to be our ambassador.
This is more a critique on structure rather than content, but bear with me.

Your banner image is nice, but it's huge. On a 1440x900 monitor, it takes up the entire page. Many readers who land on your page won't know to scroll down for content.

I'd also suggest removing the whole right-side column and moving the stuff on the left to its place. With a two-column layout, the text will flow better.


New member
Interesting Critiques Tom. As you can tell, I'm new to this! The banner image was actually taken (with permission) from a fellow TFL member who had entered it in a monthly photo contest. I put the site together on a Windows 8 Surface Tablet (my laptop's internet is pretty much busted) so I guess I assumed it would show up fine on another computer. As I haven't logged out of my wordpress account, I assumed the right banner only showed up for me since I was logged into the back end.

Looks like I have more playing around to do!

CrazyFingers, that's a great idea! It would be cool to see if I could get people to send in videos of them talking about why they got into shooting or something like that, and offer prizes for certain ones. That way it wouldn't be limited to just the people I could find at my local range.


New member
articles where someone used a gun in self defense, cause one of the arguments the antis give me is you'll never need it or they are never used for good. These articles rarely if never make headlines cause the good guys didnt die.


New member
Sorry - aint going to rehash my reasons yet another time.
I've stated them plenty of times in the past.


New member
Definitely see what you mean. I'll keep an eye on news reports and see if I can't find one from a less biased source than Guns Save Lives. Thanks for the feedback!


New member
practical articles on the everyday man's use of defensive handguns....

sure there are $2000 1911s coming out now and then, but the everyday working stiff gets a J frame or some mini 9mm and goes about his day with that.

real world guns for the everyday folks, in real world living conditions.... most women cannot ccw a Glock 17, many get a mini gun of sorts. not the best but it is what they will carry everyday, not leave it in the minivan....

in spite of a personal preference for bigger guns or calibers, review what a lot of folks actually carry.... in the hot and humid summer.....


New member
No problem Koda, due diligence in research leads to more honest content.

JERRYS, I like that idea a lot. I would carry my CZ 75 BD police everywhere if I could, but when I get my license, I'm either going to have to get inventive with my carry methods (especially since I'm 5'10" and 115 lbs) or get a smaller handgun. Maybe even a CZ 75 compact.

In my research, I've gained an appreciation for pocket pistols including the .25s and .32s of the world, even the NAA .22 Mag pistols. When it's all you can carry, it's something and it'll do the job.

Keltec is somewhat local to me. Wonder if I can't work out something to review a P32 since I've wanted one personally anyways. Until then, I'll look into getting guest posters. To be clear, you're talking about realistic sized carry handguns with a low price point - Keltec, Ruger, S&W, maybe even Makarovs and such?

Speaking of which, if anybody has a review or other article they'd like published, it could find a home here. I don't want to promote that too much on other threads, but if you've got something to talk about, I'll always take a look at it.