New FAL owner. Pics+range report+questions


New member
Well I took da plunge. Got Metric Fal awhile ago.

First the picture:


Second, the questions.

#1. I know the gas "Should" be adjusted down, but my question necessary is it? it's sitting at 2 I think? Or 9..whichever is one below max (It isn't marked) I don't mind the recoil, and the brass I am using is non-reloadable (will be for the next many,many,many rounds.) Will it be THAT tough on the gun to use it? I would just as soon run it with extra gas and not worry about a jam.

#2. The safety will still move forward all the way into the auto slot. I know that it can't fire full auto, but will it function semi-auto in that slot? Is it unsafe to do so? I didn't want to try unless I was 100% sure it wouldn't do possible damage.

And third...the range report :D

I got it, looked it over. It was built by a gunsmith on a Imbel receiver and parts kit (I didn't commision it, it's lightly used) and did not come with the scope mount receiver.

I took it out, fired a magazine to check functioning. Then, with iron sights I got a 1.5" group at 60 yards. Decent considering my eyesight.

Anyway, took it out this morning, and sighted it in with a scope. Wow...the barrel was warmed up from sighting in, then at 100 yards I got a just-under 2" group. the first 2 shots touching, then 2 more just barely 2 inches up, directly in line.

Later this afternoon, I took it out and shot at 200 yards, and despite our ferocious wind (35MPH and 70MPH gusts), I managed to get a 5" group.

Overall: Quite happy. I am enjoying the FAL more than the other guns I've owned. It's capable of 2" with German DAG surplus, and seems reliable.


New member
You sure it isn't full auto? Only one I ever saw that would go to auto was a full auto. I haven't messed with many of them, though.

FALs will flat out shoot. Even the cheap ones. Great guns. Prolly should have kept mine.


New member
Is it safe to shoot in that location?

I'm sorta wondering if it might not just fire once, then not cock for the next shot....not sure, I ain't familiar with the FAL, but it might?

But yeah, I'm loving this thing. First .308/7.62X51 I've got and can't believe I've never gotten one before.


New member
There is no "right" numbered gas setting on a FAL. The one that works is the right number for your particular rifle. The idea is to adjust so you have just enough gas to cycle 100% reliably.
Unlike the AK types the bolt & carrier should not be stopped by striking the recoil shield, just by spring tension alone.
To adjust a metric rifle you should do this:

1. Set the gas wide open. (13 clicks counterclockwise from stopping fully closed).

2. Load a single round in a magazine.

3. Drop the bolt by slingshotting the charging handle. Do not lower it gently or use the BHO tab to release.

4. Fire the round & see if the BHO grabs the magazine follower locking the bolt open.

If it does not. close the gas 2 clicks & repeat till it does.

If it does, close the gas 2 more clicks.

The hardest thing to get a handle on with a FAL gas system is that it's the opposite of what you'd think. You "close" the gas to reduce energy & "open" it to increase. This is because you're controlling the vented gas not the used gas.:eek:


New member
locking shoulder , comes in different sizes


which sets headspace ..... gas system not adjusted properly could cause locking shoulder damage & head space problems.....i thin


New member
Is it safe to shoot in that location?

I'm sorta wondering if it might not just fire once, then not cock for the next shot....not sure, I ain't familiar with the FAL, but it might?

That's basically it. Both of mine used to be that way. If you put it in auto and pull the trigger, you will only get one shot and then it won't work again until you work the bolt by hand.

My "issue" with this is twofold:

1) It's easy to accidently push the selector too hard and go past the Semi click and into the auto area. Which means you could end up with a single shot when you don't want such a thing!

2) You have to worry about some uneducated LEO inspecting the rifle sometimes. (Uneducated about FAL's.) He decides the three position selector is suspicious and you and the rifle end up detained somewhere.

You can replace the selector with one that will only go to semi.

Or you can buy a pistol grip that doesn't have the clearance to allow the movement of the selector past Semi. That's what I did to both of mine. Can't go past Semi, can't "scare" some LEO when he thinks he's found an Auto in your car.



New member
p.s. gas system should be re-adjusted for different bullet weight and for ammo with higher p.s.i.


New member
The hardest thing to get a handle on with a FAL gas system is that it's the opposite of what you'd think. You "close" the gas to reduce energy & "open" it to increase. This is because you're controlling the vented gas not the used gas.
Not true, the gas vent hole above the gas regulator controls pressure operating the piston, higher setting (7 being the highest setting) means the gas vent hole is bigger and more gas escapes through it, if more gas escapes the pressure operating the piston is lower and the bolt speed is decreased. Lower settings (1 being the lowest setting) decreases the gas vent hole size and more pressure is kept operating the piston.

7.62x51 ball in the 146-150 grain range usually needs the gas vent hole regulated to 4-5, higher pressure commercial .308 as example 175 grain needs 6.


New member
Utterly true, you're just used to it working backwards.:D

On most adjustable systems you're controlling the gas going to the gas piston. On the FAL you're controlling the amount of gas vented from the gas system. If you re-read my post you'll see we're saying the same thing.

As for the "normal" or "correct" gas setting number there is not one. I know perfectly functional FALs that will run, some at 2 1/2 or 3 & some at 7. Just because yours runs at a particular number does not mean a different one will run at the same number. Use the correct technique to see what setting is right for your exact rifle & you'll never have problems. Blindly copy someone else's number & there may be all sorts of problems.

As for the selector going to the "A" position unless certain parts other than the fire control selectorare fitted it won't go full auto because it can't.
If the follow through hammer is disconcerting, which most feel it is, just pull the selector & fill the cut with something like JB weld. This will give you a second "safe" position where the hammer won't follow.

This won't do anything for nervous nellie or under trained LEOs, but it will stop the annoying technical issue.
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New member
If you re-read my post you'll see we're saying the same thing.
Whoops! Insomnia does ugly things to my brain. :eek:
As for the "normal" or "correct" gas setting number there is not one. I know perfectly functional FALs that will run, some at 2 1/2 or 3 & some at 7. Just because yours runs at a particular number does not mean a different one will run at the same number.
I think it has to do with the barrel vent hole & gas plug, they start to erode after a several thousand rounds and get larger venting more gas, so you have to back off a bit. With a new barrel 4-5 with light ball and 6 with heavy bullets should work. Of course you need to try. And if you found the perfect gas adjustment setting close the vent hole with one additional click so that the piston has enough power to work a dirty bolt/receiver.