New Facebook rules re: gun ads

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New member
I guess they have the right to limit things as they wish. It just bugs me that there is a certain section of society that sees guns as something inherently bad. The same is not true of knives, or cars, or 3D printers, or drones. And yet all of those items can be used for the wrong purposes just like guns can. Even worse, this contingent of society has an outsize voice and access to power. A majority of Americans support individual gun rights. And yet here we are.

Spats McGee

Yes, I've read posts indicating that FB is no longer allowing private ads for the sale of firearms.

Still, this is a social media issue, not a legal issue. I'm going to close this with the following note: If anyone thinks this is really a Law & Civil Rights issue, I'm willing to hear arguments thereon, and whether this thread should be re-opened, via PM.
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