New "expanding" ammo Bolo style round. Advanced Ballistic Concepts

Coach Z

New member
This just popped up in one of the geeky tech news sites that I read daily. It appears that it's a round that has a bullet that is split into thirds that upon exiting the barrel is flung outward by centrifugal force.

I find it hard to believe that this could be accurate but I searched the web and I found one site that showed a range report and the target appeared to display a very clear impact showing that they did in fact expand equally.

It looks like they are going to officially unveil the product at the shot show. The company is called Advanced Ballistic Concepts

Oh and I HATE the headline that says it expands to kill better. :mad:

Here is the link

I believe this is their own website, looks like multiple calibers available.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
We've discussed it here before. The saying "Nothing new under the sun." applies well. The concept was tried and abandoned decades ago.

No way is that going to penetrate worth a damn and shot placement is lousy, virtually by design. You're going to hit everywhere EXCEPT where you aim.

Two things are important in self defense, shot placement and penetration. Hm...

Coach Z

New member
Brian Pfleuger - I totally agree. Just thought it was worth mentioning for others to check out. Interesting that someone put the time and energy into developing it but I can't for a second think that it will actually be useful.


Silly concept. There is a channel on YouTube I frequent who featured the creator of this product, and everything from his description to the hokey 3-D animations he put up reeked of BS. I then just had to check out the companies site as I needed a good laugh.

It didn't disappoint.

Shockingly, this company offers a non-lethal (or less-lethal) version of this shell, and... wait for it... a SEMI-LETHAL version! That's right, apparently that version is designed not to kill instantly but just cripple the attacker and put him in need of immediate medical attention. This is just unwise on so, so many levels... I don't even know where to begin.

I wouldn't much wish for ANY American business to fail at this day in age, but I seriously hope this company doesn't last long if this is what they are going to put on the market. I could only imagine some well to do but undereducated firearms owner buying this for there shotgun thinking it's the most effective load out there for defense, but in reality it is poor compared to the 12 gauge 00 buck 10 shells for $5 bulk packs at Wally World.

Coach Z

New member
After I posted this thread I poked around some more online and WOW! Holy mother of, just unbelievable. I too love the semi lethal. People have been killed with blank guns so I have a hard time swallowing the SEMI-lethal.

The price is also through the roof, what are they thinking???