New Deer limit proposal? HUH


New member
New Deer limit Proposal


I live in Southern Indiana. Our intelligent officials have decided we have to many deer. A couple got hit in town this last year. They say are limits are to low so they want to up the limit to 24. This last season, I could take 1 buck and 11 does. That is if I could find them. This year was weird and we(the whole hunting community) seen very few.

Our local DNR suggest working on the prices of the deer tags and maybe come up with a Sportsman's license. A combined license for Deer turkey small game and fishing. He says part of the problem is the price to hunt. Could be, This year I skipped the Bow season because of the price of deer tags.

My suggestion would be to extend the season a little bit. I generally hunt from opening day of gun season through end of muzzle loader season, and part of late bow season. This year I skipped the Bow season because of the price of deer tags. I do have 5 in the freezer(1 mine 4 given to me) so I will survive till next season

So What are your thoughts. Uhm and NO I am not inviting anyone to come down and help with crowd control.



New member
ive never even heard of somewhere that you can get 11 doe tags in one year... the most i have ever actually hunted in states where you can get one buck and three doe.... i shoot one buck and three doe every year here... but we dont have trouble finding doe either.... i remember when i first went deer hunting in wisconsin when i was 12 we had a rock cliff that overlooked the bigger portion of one hillside of 40+ acres... and we used to count over 100 deer at one time in a heard.... that, of course, was before there was ever a doe season.


New member
Here in NC we have 2 bucks and unlimited does. You get six tags to start 2 bucks/4 does, unless you are in the eastern region where it's 2 bucks, 2 does, and 2 "hunter's choice". You fill those you can go back to any wildlife cooperator agent and get additional doe tags.

Our annual sportsman's license is 40.00 (I think). With that you get everything but the waterfowl stamp (deer, turkey, bear, boar, small game, fishing). I have my lifetime sportsman's license which was 500.00 when my wife bought it for me 9 years ago.


New member
The northern part of Kentucky had unlimited doe tags as well. Lots of deer in this part of the state. Kentucky has reasonable license costs and the regulations are easy to understand.

Some of these states, Ohio comes to mind, has way too many deer and would like to lower the population of the herd but their license cost and regulations actually keep some hunters away. Makes no sense to me.


New member
Yup, Krezy's spot on.

KY is set up into zones 1-4 by county for modern gun season.

From Sep. 6, 2008 through Jan. 19, 2009 (deer season), a person may take no more than one (1) deer with visible antler (excluding button bucks) in Kentucky, except:

1. If a hunter possesses a Bonus WMA Quota Hunt Permit, a bonus antlered deer may be taken during a WMA or State Park Quota Hunt, and the Grayson Lake Open Youth Hunt or West KY WMA Open Gun Hunt, if the limits and restrictions for each hunt allow.

2. Bonus antlered deer may be taken on Land Between the Lakes, Reelfoot National Wildlife Refuge, Ft. Campbell and Ft. Knox Military Reservations, Wendell H. Ford Regional Training Center and Blue Grass Army Depot as determined by the governing agency for each area.


1. In Zone 1 counties, there is no season limit on antlerless deer.

2. In Zone 2, 3 and 4 counties, the combined season limit is four (4) per hunter. Hunters may choose to take up to one (1) antlered deer and three (3) antlerless deer, OR take up to four (4) antlerless deer total.


• A hunter may take an unlimited number of antlerless deer. Two (2) deer may be taken using the statewide permit and unlimited antlerless deer may be taken using bonus antlerless-only permits (good for two (2) antlerless deer each).

• A hunter is limited to ONE (1) deer with visible antlers (excluding button bucks) per license year statewide, except additional antlered deer may be taken on WMA or State Park quota hunts or federal areas.

• Hunters shall abide by the equipment restrictions in place for each season.


• A hunter may take no more than four (4) deer total and combined in Zones 2, 3 and 4. Two (2) deer may be taken using the statewide permit and up to two (2) more antlerless deer may be taken using one bonus antlerless-only deer permit.

• A hunter is limited to ONE (1) deer with visible antlers (excluding button bucks) per license year statewide, except additional antlered deer may be taken on WMA or State Park quota hunts or federal areas.

• Hunters shall abide by the equipment restrictions in place for each season.


• A hunter may take no more than four (4) deer total and combined in Zones 2, 3, and 4. Two (2) deer may be taken using the statewide permit and up to two (2) more antlerless deer may be taken using one bonus antlerless-only deer permit.

• All four (4) deer may be taken with archery or crossbow equipment. A hunter may take no more than two (2) deer with a firearm.

• A hunter is limited to ONE (1) deer with visible antlers (excluding button bucks) per license year statewide, except additional antlered deer may be taken on WMA or State Park quota hunts or federal areas.

• Hunters shall abide by the equipment restrictions in place for each season.


• A hunter may take no more than four (4) deer total and combined in Zones 2, 3 and 4. Two (2) deer may be taken using the statewide permit and up to two (2) more antlerless deer may be taken using one bonus antlerless-only deer permit.

• All four (4) deer may be taken with archery or crossbow equipment. A hunter may take no more than two (2) deer with a firearm.

• A hunter is limited to ONE (1) deer with visible antlers (excluding button bucks) per license year statewide, except additional antlered deer may be taken on WMA or State Park quota hunts or federal areas.

• Hunters shall not take antlerless deer during seasons open to antlered deer hunting only.

• Hunters shall abide by the equipment restrictions in place for each season.


New member
Here in Fl, limit is 2 deer per day throughout the season. Doe deer may be taken during archery season and during the special doe season (roughly 7 days). So, if you decided to kill everything you legally could, you'd have close to 240 deer. You'd have to give them all away because the annual possession limit is 4.


New member
Why I'm sad I might not be hunting in Western WI any more

One buck tag by gun - but unlimited antlerless tags at $2 per. Yay for herd reduction zones. However that might end too, the last couple seasons have slowed down considerably.


New member
Here in Fl, limit is 2 deer per day throughout the season. Doe deer may be taken during archery season and during the special doe season (roughly 7 days). So, if you decided to kill everything you legally could, you'd have close to 240 deer. You'd have to give them all away because the annual possession limit is 4.

The first year I wanted to hunt in Florida, the limit was still double that.

4 per day; no more than two does in a day.
Possession limit of 8; no more than 4 does in possession.

No doe season; that limit was good for the entire 4 month season.

As for the OP-

One thing that has proven to work in a few states, is some form of cooperative hunting program.
The biggest problem in many states, for the deer getting out of hand; is too much private land closed to hunting. The deer learn they are not threatened there, and go crazy.
Many of the cooperative programs give incentives to the land owners (or lease operators) to open the land for public access and hunting.

Then, of course, there is the opposite. (I can't remember if it was Utah, Idaho, or Wyoming that took this stance...)
One of the states I hunt in decided to get mean with public access. There were too many people taking their free land owner tags from the state, and not allowing any public access, charging insane trespass fees, or generally finding a way to rape the system. So... the state stepped up to the plate. Instead of giving incentives; they started punishing.

-You don't want to allow the public to hunt here? Fine. We will no longer provide your land owner tags. You are no longer allowed any depredation priviledges. (A HUGE kick in the pants for cattle and sheep ranchers) You are no longer allowed to cull any game animal that may damage your crops. And, you are no longer eligible for any state tax credits previously given to you; if they had anything to do with wildlife or hunting programs.

Let me tell you... It got their attention.

I know the 'punishment' method won't work in many states, due to the way land is divided up, the size of the plots, and overcrowing of hunters. However, it works out west. Not much hunting land is actually used to cultivate crops. Almost everything is used for cattle, sheep, goats, and horses.


Staff In Memoriam
Doyle, the law is 4 deer limit...
There is no limit for cut and frozen meat in one's freezer....
4 whole deer is the actual limit...


New member
You'd have to give them all away because the annual possession limit is 4.

the law is 4 deer limit...
There is no limit for cut and frozen meat in one's freezer....
4 whole deer is the actual limit...

This is true here in NC as well. 2 is the possession limit, but that only counts until the deer are logged into the WRC system (by phone, internet, or face to face at a cooperator agent) and then processed.

Once it's meat it's no longer considered toward the possession limit.


New member
I rarely kill more than 3-4 a year here in NC. Most I've taken in one year was 7. In that year I had several people after me to bring them a deer. I think I kept 2 and gave 5 away that year.

This past year I killed 3 and only kept one.


New member
rant, we don't even have to burden the state with a call

NC produces a report each year by county that tells you the harvest numbers for big game. They break deer down by bucks, does, button bucks, etc. It's kindof a neat report each year but I expect there are a lot of deer taken that never get logged.

There is a 1-800 number an internet method or the face to face. I usually do the internet deal as it's faster. Couple of clicks and write down the authorization number on my harvest record and I'm done.


New member
Is there truth to the story that insurance companies lobby for bigger bag limits because of number of totaled out cars due to deer that they pay out? If so I wonder if that's the case here?


New member
Our Antlerless limit is quoted by counties. You could hunt each county, and take anywhere from 3 to 8 per county I think.

Yes it is true insurance companies lobby for higher limits, according to my AllState ins person.

We do have the Land owner program(free tags) and a youth consolidated license(one license and everything from deer tags to turkey tags included $7.00)

Last year they opened up firearms to include Handgun caliber rifles. They also came up with an Apprentice license, no hunters ed class for 3 years(because classes are a pain to find and get kids to, not sure it is a safe idea)



New member
This year I skipped the Bow season because of the price of deer tags.

How much are the tags there? I may have missed where you posted it.

This last season, I could take 1 buck and 11 does. That is if I could find them. This year was weird and we(the whole hunting community) seen very few.

Maybe the overpopulation is not consistent over the whole state? You might just be in an area with a local minimum, so to speak. I would say that raising the limits means there must be more deer somewhere. The problem for you is finding them or attracting them to your property.


New member
Back in the 40's and 50s, Nevada and environs experienced a severe drought. There was a local herd to Central Nevada, and three herds which summered in Utah, Idaho and Northern California, then wintered in central Nevada. We woulld always put in for the special hunt drawings and end up with 12 to 14 tags each. We would hunt in one mountain range southeast of Arthur and fill up in a few days. There were usually 6 hunters and often more.

The last year I hunted Nevada (Dad & I had started the move to Oregon,) if you bought a buck tag, you had to buy a doe tag. If you, perchance, bought both, you got an any-deer tag for free. This was good anywhere in the state. Mom and Uncle Art came up with 7 tags each. Dad and I came down from Oregon and had our 3 tags each. I filled all those tags but three that Uncle Art got by Saturday at 3:00pm. I had to bum ammo from Dad to finish out the day.

Later that year, Dad and I qualified for Oregon residence licenses, so we picked up 3 tags apeace for the John Day area. I filled all those tags, too.

Late in the year, Dad got his late season Elk tag. I asked him when we were going and he told me I was NOT going, that this was his hunt to actually shoot his rifle. He drove up into the Blue Mountains after work, found a place to camp and parked. He stepped out of the car, looked around, pulled out his rifle, loaded it and shot his elk. He hadn't even changed his clothes, yet. He was back home by midnight, Friday with the largest elk shotin the state that year. Have you ever seen somebody pi$$ed and happy at the same time? :D

Now-a-days, I pay about $100 for deer, small game and fishing license, which gives me one buck tag.




New member
How much are the tags there? I may have missed where you posted it.

Our first tag(buck) is $24 be it for firearms or bow. All antlerless after that are
$15. Yes From what I have read that is real cheap. But out of all the properties we have access to and no one seeing anything over 50lbs, to me it is not worth the $15 and time spent. I usually get worn out hunting during firearms and muzzle loader season prior to late bow. I have a bad habit of hunting nearly everyday. I live in the country, hunt behind the house and scattered properties which are close. Then I go to work. Kind of wears on a person, not to mention fewer sightings in the last few years.