New CZ75BSA - Should I be happy??


New member
After I got my new CZ75 home, I noticed a factory target in the box. I thought it was pretty neat, until I looked it over... Should I be happy with a dispersion of 97mm??? Pretty wide spread.


I was expecting better from all of the rave out there. Maybe a bum copy? I know it isn't a target master, but everyone is saying such good things about these...

What do all of yours do for a factory target? I am sure better is had with better loads...


New member
As Schmeky says, "shoot it first". I've have quite a few CZs and I've figured out that the test target doesn't really give a good indication of the accuracy of the gun.

From what I understand, those targets are created from offhand shooting. Who knows, it could have been the first target of the day and the shooter hadn't finished his/her coffee yet. :)



That's a 3.8" group at 27.3 yards. Not amazingly good, but not bad either.


#0043 yanked one or was tired. He's a busy guy--he target tested my CZ75B awhile back. ;)

They're using S&B which doesn't qualify as premium ammo in my book. Could he got a bad round.

I'd shoot it before I got too worked up.


New member
I'm leaning towards shooting it, but wondering if I should plead for a better copy before I do that...

97mm is 4 inches! That's a spread.


New member
4in from a service grade pistol at that range isn't bad. It isn't a target pistol or tuned competition pistol, it's merely a SA variant of the standard DA/SA service pistol. Now, if it were a CZ75TS that shot those kind of groups, I'd be pissed! Shoot the pistol and have fun with it, find ammo that it really likes and shoot the hell out of it!

Just for extraneous info, my SP01 posted a 2.1in group at 25meters according to their tester. Now I would qualify that as approaching target/competition pistol quality. The Springfield XD9Tac that Rob Leatham (TGO) uses was tested as 2in @ if my pistol has the same out of the box accuracy (with commercial ammo) as his tuned XD9 (using his tuned load) that he uses for Production division competition, I'm feeling pretty good about it. I've also gotten much better groups now that I've found a load that works well for my pistol (I roll my own and use the SP01 in Production division).


New member
Don't worry , that target is not what you will shoot.
Mine was all over the place [the target] but when I shot it, it groups great.
I kind of hate to admit it , but my CZ 75B is one of the best semi autos that I own. When at the range I shoot one hole in the target and then put the rest of the slugs in that same area. The CZ is great at this even with the trigger the way it is. GREAT PISTOL!
You will enjoy it, I only wish I had bought the single action model.


New member

Those test targets are meaningless. It's kinda misleading as you'd think based on the fact that it is an electronic target they'd be a little bit more methodical shooting, but apparently they just blast off 5 rounds (no rest). I believe that's what members over at have relayed from their visits to the factory.

Also, I don't consider S&B particularly fantastic ammo. It's okay, but has never yielded the best accuracy in any firearm I own.


New member
I was wondering if those were bench or vise mounted targets. Seems not, so what faith am I going to put into that test target? Not much now. There's a lot of monkeys that can do that.

I knew S&B ammo wasn't the premier, so my opinion was already biased into this being more of a function test.

Well, off to clean the factory slime off of it. If there's room in the bag this week, maybe it will come with.


New member

You can look for a tight CZ. I don't know how much it matters, but I like to put the safety on and pull the trigger to see how much the sear block moves. The less the better. You can also feel how good a snick you get when the gun goes into battery. Again, I have no idea how much this matters as I haven't done any sorta testing. My 40P is particularly tight in lockup, and it is rather accurate. It'll take out 32oz Gatorade bottle at 50 yards one after the other. For an alloy framed 40SW compact, that's quite acceptable. For some reason, put a piece of paper in front of me, and I can't shoot anymore... go figure.

The first few CZs I bought didn't get this inspection, and I am still quite happy with them.


New member
From what I remember on the CZ Forum years ago, the guns are shot for function and not accuracy. I want to say they shoot off sandbags, but that might have been the guys doing the rifles.



New member

Don't know anything about CZ's . But will say if that group is from a sand bag rest or any type of mechanical device, it's horrible. Just my opinion but it is based on owning and shooting many firearms.


I would simply shoot it. It is not going to be an issue. Looks like a flyer to me.

The CZ is a great gun for the money. If it does not shoot well you can always send it back to CZ but I do not think you will have to.


New member
I e-mail CZ about 18 months ago about a rifle target, they e-mailed back that all enclosed targets were for function not accuracy, this is for rifle and pistol.
I would not worry about the enclosed target just go shoot it with decent ammo.