New CZ-82/83 mag from Czech-USA tough to seat.

It was manufactured in Uhersky Brod and imported by CZ-USA in Kansas City.

The original mag in the gun is simple to seat, but this brand-new ten rounder requires a very short slam from a fist to fully seat.
When released it to really jumps out.

Is this fairly common with the newer 82 mags from the Czech Republic?

Walt Sherrill

New member
Is it still difficult downloaded one round? If so, it'll probably get better as the mag spring takes a set in a week or two. (Many mags are difficult to lock in place if filled to capacity and put into the gun with the slide closed.)
It is still an empty mag. The only issue is inserting the magazine into the mag well. Maybe I wasn't very clear.

I've not put any rounds into it yet, but will today. The follower's spring is very stiff, by the way,

Maybe a tiny bit of grease would help the mag be seated into place?


New member
One possible issue might be that the hole for the magazine catch which is cut into the side of the clip body may have been cut just a little bit low. You might compare the two clips side-by-side to see if the new one is just a tad lower. A teeny bit of small file work COULD have it behaving like the other one in fairly short order.

If it's your carry pistol or primary duty pistol- I don't think I would be putting grease in there to attrack pocket lint, fuzz, and other gum-um-ups.

lee n. field

New member
but this brand-new ten rounder requires a very short slam from a fist to fully seat.
When released it to really jumps out.

The only issue is inserting the magazine into the mag well. Maybe I wasn't very clear.

Does it seat easily with no rounds, and with the slide locked back?


New member
The older magazines that came with your 82 are old surplus and spring is well "conditioned" by years of use in armed forces. The new mag have brand new spring and BTW, it is not military VZ82 magazine (9mm Mak only, not made anymore) but commercial CZ83 magazine that is designed for both 9mm Mak and .380 because the CZ83 comes in both calibers but mostly .380 and if i am not mistaken the follower is little different (although that is only what i have second hand, all my are surplus 82 types)
Anyway, long story short, the mag will "soften" with use, just go shoot it :)
Thanks very much for the info. Always look fwd. to seasoned shooters' perspectives, even if you/they are younger than my son (26).

lee n. field: The issue is with the magazine empty, or loaded. Last night it was inserted when just out of the package from Kansas City. Otherwise the gun's operational functioning was very normal today, although with just 50 rds.

The new mag spring is so tight that I will buy some sort of speed loader to avoid the struggle with the older, but especially this new mag.
As for carry, I've only done so in my car, but will soon (finally) make a decision about which holster, and use the Russian (Commercial) Mak next fall, or this 82 if it fits the same holster.
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Walt Sherrill

New member
The mag REALLY JUMPING OUT when in the gun, but unloaded -- if done with the slide closed, suggests, as someone else said, that the mag notch may be cut just a bit too low... forcing the top of the feed lips up against the underside of the slide. (Loaded, it may be a lot worse!)

A touch or two with a small need file might resolve the problem. (This is NOT a Dremel issue! :) )

Comparing mags, as suggested - or actually measuring the notch's position - might make clear if it is the notch position that's causing the problem. (As noted earlier, if the top of the notch is too low, that will push the mag up HIGHER than it should be.)

If it does that with the slide OPEN, then its arguably something else -- as there's no slide against which it must press, then.
Walt, the empty mag only jumps out a lot (3" or so) with the mag release being pushed, if the slide is closed.

With the slide open and the empty mag locked into its seated position, it only jumps out about an inch when the mag. release is pushed.

Walt Sherrill

New member
Sounds like you need to check the position of the mag notch. Just a HAIR off (too low) will cause what you're describing (but, I suppose, other things might, too.) The fact that it's worse with slide closed than open suggests the notch needs to be opened up a bit on the top.... but check/meaure/compare, first.
That's a good idea, but I'll wait about a week. The staffer at CZ-USA told me that it's fairly normal on some of their magazines, and they insert normally with some wear.