New Colt "New Agent" Range Report...


New member
OK, long story short... Since my New Agent was a Christmas present I wasn't gonna be able to mess with it until Christmas, however, I was scheduled to go shooting today, rifle and shotgun at a local club, and since I was going to be busy most of the month of January, and probably won't be able to shoot, I talked my wife into letting me take it today to run some rounds through it...

First Off I loaded it with some American Eagle 230 Grain, ball ammo... No difficulties, loading cocking and firing had no ftf's or fte's through 50 rounds... ran like a champ.... Then I loaded some carry ammo I bought, Speer Gold Dots 200 Grain +P, ran about three magazines with it... once again no problems...

I have read online where others have had some difficulties with brass into foreheads and ftf's lucky I had neither.. the brass ejected up and right..

The +P Ammo was a noticeable difference in feel and report... but not uncontrolllable...

To be honest, I thought this little .45 would kick your butt firing it, but it was really a very smooth pistol... Less recoil than my LWS .380 for sure...

I still need to get used to the gutter sites, most of my shots where low and to the right... sorry no pictures, we just didn't have time since we had alot more to guns to fire...

Also, I am used to the longer and harder pull of the double action Seecamp LWS's, so I think I could use a bit more time with the SA trigger...

Overall, I am very pleased... it ran like a champ... I even disaseembled and reassembled without adding the infamous 1911 "Idiot Scratch", that I had nightmares about... I did line the area with some electrical tape and hopefully that saved me..

Unfortunately, It's not offical that I have the gun yet.. so no pictures, but as soon as I can take some after Christmas, I will post some...

Thanks for listening...


New member
...and since I was going to be busy most of the month of January, and probably won't be able to shoot, I talked my wife into letting me take it today to run some rounds through it...

Oh, brother – whatever… :D

Glad to hear the new Colt ran well, just as it should. Mine have also been flawless. Guess I’ll need to get a New Agent next.


New member

First, congrats on getting the new Colt. Everything I hear about the NA has been positive.

A couple of points about your post...

I still need to get used to the gutter sites, most of my shots where low and to the right...
Also, I am used to the longer and harder pull of the double action Seecamp LWS's, so I think I could use a bit more time with the SA trigger...

If you're not used to a 1911 SA trigger it's quite common to shoot low-right (especially for wheelgunners making the transistion from DA to SA). So... assuming you're right handed...

If your shots are hitting 3-4 o'clock, reduce the amount of trigger finger you're using. Just use the pad of your finger where the fingerprint is centered. No need for more. Using more, up to the first joint, will pull your shots right.

If your shots are hitting 4-5 o'Clock, you're probably tightening your grip against that "fearsome .45 recoil" you were expecting. :D Relax. Take a firm grip only - it's not an orange, so don't squeeze the grip like you expect to get juice out of it. :cool:

Idiot Scratch - the tape trick works, but to save some aggravation, keep half an old credit card handy for the purpose. If the slide stop hangs up on the plunger, the credit card can be used to depress it enough to seat. The plastic won't hurt the finish.


New member

Well Thank you very much for all the fine information.... I'm sure I was firing it as you said... since I am used to a DA pull normally...

I will try your suggestions... Hopefully I will have more time next time... Today was for more of a mechanical review to make sure it functioned properly, now if I can just work on my shooting skills, hopefully I will have it down better..

Yes I got by the plunger OK today, but something pushing it inward would have helped... I will definately try your credit card idea...

I appreciate all your information.
