New CCW Police Radar under development


New member
I thought you'd all like to see what Big Brother has on the drawing board for the not too distant future...

( - A cutting-edge technology that will enable law enforcement officials to detect concealed weapons on individuals is raising constitutional concerns in some quarters.

The Boulder, Colo., office of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is developing a prototype of a radar-like apparatus that emits low-level electromagnetic waves into crowds to identify individuals
carrying concealed objects.

"It's under development," said Fred McGehan, public affairs officer for NIST in Boulder. "We don't have a prototype yet, but we expect to have one by the end of the year."

Read the full story here:\Culture\archive\200106\CUL20010601a.html


New member
Yeah, SORRY, I thought I looked well enough for another post on this topic before wasting bandwidth, but I guess not.

Moderator, delete me please!