New Build in 300BLK


New member
So I purchased the Radical Firearms upper and put it on a local built lower I purchased last week. The builds nice rifles locally and I have looked at them before. They don't off a .300 AAC version.

I like the way it turned out looking forward to taking it to the range and trying it out.



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  • AR15-300BLK-2.jpg
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New member

I also like the A2 stock. I have a lower built with one and I'm trying to save up for an 18"-20" upper to match it up to.


New member
I load for my Blackout rifles and pistol firing supersonic only which means i can use carbine gas on the longer barrels (16") reliably. I love the cartridge and have used it on deer sized animals at close range ( out to 150 yds). Most of my shooting is informal using targets, cans or rocks ( small ones, I shoot in a quarry) and the 300 is just a step up in fun from my 5.56 AR's.
Texas hogs are my favorite animal to hunt and both .223 or 300 BO do a fine job in putting them down with proper shot biggest hog so far was 350 + pounds with one shot, 125 gr 300 Blackout.
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