New book with lots of guns in it!


New member
Hey all,

Just wanted to plug my new book series White Flag of the Dead. Its a story of a man and his infant son finding themselves in the middle of a virus-induced plague, trying to survive the apocalypse. Plenty of guns and mayhem for everyone!
Good reviews on Amazon, in case anyone was curious.

Book One - Surrender of the Living - is available now on Amazon and Severed Press, with Books Two and Three being released this year.

Thanks for looking!


New member
The Kindle version of the first book will be released when the second book comes out. I argued for a while with the publisher, but they thought it best. They know more than I do, I suppose.


New member
If I had to hazard a guess, probably in the next few months. According to a release on the Severed Press website, they plan on releasing books 2,3,4 this year, with 5 and 6 next year. So I'd guess a three month wait, but it's still a guess.
You could put a bug in their ear at, or request a kindle version on the Amazon page.


New member

The comments on Amazon are pushing me to check this out even though I'm not a Zombie enthusiast.

Even your worst review (two stars) said it was a good story, they were on your case for grammar violations. I think your publisher should have caught those but even W.E.B. Griffin, one of my favorite action writers, suffers from lack of good proof reading and he's with one of the major publishing houses.


New member
The grammar errors were mine from self-publishing and self-editing, but since I have been picked up by Severed Press, I am sure they are gone now. (I hope!)