New base pin...What about the locking screw?


New member
I just got a new Belt Mountain base pin in but it came without any instructions to fit it. Luckily it fell right in frame and cylinder wise so no polishing to get it to fit there. A question though: Does one make a notch or hole in the barrel where the locking screw goes or do you just tighten it against the barrel?

I got a new steel ejector housing as well. It fits just good and snug into the frame side all the way against the frame. But the barrel end where the screw goes, well it will not even sit down over the screw bushing in the barrel. I guess this part will have to be opened up a bit to allow that to happen?

Thanks in advance for all insights ya'll might be able to provide. :)

First Shirt

New member
What kind of revolver are you fitting it to? I replaced the ejector rod housing and base pin in my Bisley Vaquero, and both went pretty smoothly, considering that it took me years to learn which end of a screwdriver to hit things with:)

Things might be different with one of the Colt clones.

Sorry this wasn't more help.


.45 Vet

New member
Several guys on the Ruger forums don't use the tension screw, one less item to cary around for tear-down cleaning. (allen wrench) Most have opted to install a heavier spring for the retention-pin. Unless you're using some real serious loads, I'd leave it loose...

First Shirt

New member
I just use the regular spring on the lock pin, it's held pretty well with some fairly stout loads. Try it as is, and if it doesn't hold to suit (your idea of stout loads and mine might be different) then try the locking pin. There should already be a notch on the base pin that the locking pin would fit into.

As far as the ejector rod housing, mine was a pretty snug fit, and takes some effort to take it off for disassembly. If your just will not fit, you can open the hole up, but do it VERY CAREFULLY. Taking metal off is pretty easy, putting it back can be a right b@$tard!.

Good luck,



Most of my Rugers have Belt Mt. basepins. I just Loctite the screw in place but do not tighten it against the barrel. So far, the setscrew has been unnecessary.

If you are going to use the screw, tighten the screw against the barrel to mark the spot, then drill a shallow hole in the barrel. You want the screw to keep the pin from sliding out but you do not want it tensioned against the hole in the frame.


New member
The barrel side of the ejector housing needed a 7/32" hole drilled there to allow the ejector to fit over the barrel bushing. The other side where the screw goes required a 1/4" hole widening on that side. I went slow and had the proper bits to do the job and it all fits nicely and snug to the barrel now. No more thoughts of not being able to use the ejector due to a dented aluminum housing.

The base pin does fit somewhat snugger than the original pin did so I will take everyones advice and try it without using the lock screw first. I can see where the latch notch is on the bottom of the pin and the screw will force the pin to stay in that notch just snugging it against the barrel. But it may not even need the locking screw since it fits tighter to begain with.