New and black& blue


New member
Gents. I spent about an hour with my brother at the range showing him the way around a Franchi Renaissance and a Benelli Super Sport. Gave a couple of tips about leading and mounting and courtesy at the range, etc.

He left with the Franchi mumbling something about easier to operate, classier.....

He is not a shooter but later in the week (last Sat) he has a corporate event that was a senior management bonding exercise ending with a clay shoot at a VERY nice place.

I saw him on Sunday at me dad's for Fathers Day and asked him how he liked it. He basically said, ya he would do it again, he had a good time, it was fun, but maybe it wasn't for him, blah, blah........

Then he lifted his shirt to show me a bruise on his chest the size of a large grapefruit and complained of a sore jaw.......... I laughed my arse off!!!!!:D



C'mon W.E. - we need more shooters - get that gun fitted to him..........(or are you afraid he's gonna whup ya next time????..:D)


New member
Yikes, let me see if I've got this right: Your brother put up with the "it just came from Mars" look of the Benelli Super Sport and the "sorry we didn't cut the butt stock square" recoil pad of Franchi's Renaissance (both guns being advertised as being equipped with hi-tech features to significantly reduce felt recoil), and he still took a beating! Usually we hear stories like this from newbies with incorrectly sized light weight pump guns. Hopefully the experience didn't sour him from future shotgunning fun.


New member
THe after story


Yup. You got it. Later, we had a talk about holding the gun into the shoulder.

He will shoot again because he was asking how much $$$ he needs to spend so I'm thinkin' he kinda liked it.......

He will shoot again if for no other reason than some of his board members belong to the club where they shot.

One OZ:

FYI - he was shootin' at Quail Creek close to Lake-O, have you shot there? Nice place. Did I say it is a nice place yet?


New member
isn't it funny when people start to get a little recoil sensitive they think not keeping their head on the guns helps? head on the gun!


Have not shot at any places South of Tampa- I'm still trying to get some of the folks I shoot with to get up to WW, Amelia Island and Folkston, Ga. (pigeons............oooooooh :D)