New addition to the .22LR stable.......Marlin Glenfield 75


New member
Anyone own one? Experiences good or bad?

I've had a Glenfield 60 for 25 years and have been thoroughly pleased. Also have a 10/22 and 22/45 pistol. As I mentioned in another thread, I've been considering a .22LR survival rifle/trunk gun here lately. Mostly due to the low cost of ammo and the weapon. Wouldn't be out much if it got damaged or stolen and could carry a crapload of ammo in case I got stranded away from home.

Got it for 100 bucks, put a cheap BSA scope on it. Will take it to the range this weekend and see how she shoots. If she passes the test she'll be in a case under the back seat of my truck.

The internals were dirty, but in good shape. Externally the stock is in great shape with only a couple of nicks in the receiver's bluing. Barrel is nice and shiny. Seems like most of the parts on this gun interchange with the 60's. Looked real familiar when I detail stripped it earlier.


New member
I hope not either. My 60's been a good shooter. Hopefully the 75 will be too. As dirty as the internals were, somebody's been putting rounds downrange with it. Maybe that's a good sign???:D


New member
First range impressions....

Took the 75 along with my 60 to the range today for a brief trip. Didn't have a whole heckuvalotta time due to some family stuff going on, so I didn't quite get to do a real thorough test.

I did get to sight the scope in and test four different ammo types at 25 yds. I did not get to move out to 50 with it because the 50 yd. bench was full and I ran out of time. I'll do more testing at 50 later.

Overall I was impressed. The gun shot just as well as my 60 which has been fairly accurate. Side by side they shot about equally and even showed preferences toward the same ammo. Federal bulk pack shot the largest groups with Federal Automatch, Remington Target and Aquila yellow box turning in the best groups.

Only failure was the final round of the mag failing to fully eject with the first group of Fed bulk pack shot. After that first round everything fired, cycled, and ejected fine.

Sorry I didn't have time to take pics of the targets. Try as I might I still have yet to find an ammo that shoots better than that stinking Aquila. Don't know what they prime that stuff with but it is foul smelling. Shoots good though :).