New acquisition

Doc Hoy

New member
Keybear's ROA arrived this day.

He took very good care of this pistol. Inner box, outer box, wrench, papers and pistol were included. The box matches the pistol serial number. The nipples come out of the cylinder very easily.

Very happy. Thank KB.



New member

Doc I put anti-seize on the nipples just before shipping .
Also a little more oil then I should of ??


Doc Hoy

New member

Actually I think the one KB posted was a little better.

But here goes.




New member
Sweet, looks just like my trusty friend. Enjoy Doc! Question though, with the 14 million revolvers you have, how many do you actually shoot? :D


New member
Nice looking ROA Doc! I've never shot one but know others that have 'em and they love 'em. We're all anxious to hear how it does at the range.

deerslayer . . . . after Doc made all of those nice display cases that he showed us all . . do you think he may be working on more? I'm thinking that this new (to him) ROA that he got would look really nice in a case with a stainless "sister"? :D:roll eyes:

Enjoy Doc! Let's us know how she shoots! :)


New member
deerslayer . . . . after Doc made all of those nice display cases that he showed us all . . do you think he may be working on more? I'm thinking that this new (to him) ROA that he got would look really nice in a case with a stainless "sister"? :roll eyes:

Indeed, a stainless sister is a must!!! But all jokes in the shade, seeing as how the ROA is no longer made, its really not a bad idea to case one up. And hit the range with the Repro's. But my ROA shoots so dang good I can't put it away.

Doc Hoy

New member
Coupla responses.


I have three revolvers on the bench that I have not shot and five shootable revolvers I have not yet shot. Weekend weather is supposed to be nice and especially now that Mykeal and Zullo told me we shifted to daylight saving time, :D I should be able to get out and change all that.

There are several revolvers I own that I purposely do not shoot.

C.O.M. Sheriff's 1851 pattern that chain fired on me. I think it is haunted so I don't shoot it anymore. :confused:

Centaure 1960NMA that I used to shoot, then got it rehabbed by "Wayner". Now I don't shoot it.

Three Colt Second and Third gens that I shot a coupla times but don't anymore.

To DS and BBB,

I have the sister already. That is why I needed the brother. The brother is 1975 manuf so it is pre-warning. Sister is 1995 so it has the warning.

Coupla years ago I developed a philosophy. It does not determine how I decide what to take along to the range, just an observation.

"I like handling my Colts, I like cleaning my Remingtons, I Like Shooting my ROAs".
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Doc Hoy

New member
Coupla observations on the ROA

I developed a healthy respect for the Ruger designers when I got my first ROA. (Sometime around 1982 an older version of the Stainless sister from 95) They made a C&B pistol that is intended to be the pinnacle of revolver performance.

It acts more like a black powder, multiple shot, shooting tool. Every part of it (Accept for that stupid loading lever which is like three individual and unrelated parts which happen to be flying in formation) is designed to optimize the shooting experience.

If I were going to use a black powder revolver for home defense (And I NEVER would) It would be an ROA.


New member
Warning and Pre Warning

Ok so I might be learning something here. What is a warning and pre warning gun. Is it something stamped on the barrel? Or is it the "For Black Powder Only" on the cylinder? And I'm with you on the cleaning of the Remington's part. I don't particularly care for completely disassembling the ROA, alot more smaller parts to keep up with.


New member
Roa pre-warning

In 1978 Ruger started putting is on the barrels( pre warning gun)
Little to do with Black Powder

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Doc Hoy

New member

I don't know what year it was. I am sure someone does because several members are far more familiiar with ROAs than I am.

But at some point Ruger started roll engraving a warning on the top of the barrel. It think it says, "Hey Fool! Stop looking down the barrel when it is loaded capped and cocked!" or some such. That I am aware of, there is no difference in the components, features or manufacturing that makes the non-warning model more or less desirable. Just something for people on black powder forums to talk about.

Cleaning revolvers is (to me) part of the fun of owning and shooting them. It is just that IMO Remingtons are more fun to clean that Colts or Rugers.


New member
I must admit, it is a struggle to contain my jealousy, but it's tax season anyways, and i won't get much shooting time for a month or so longer. That is a FINE revolver.

Doc Hoy

New member

Orangello and all you other guys,

Thanks for the kind words, but the real admiration goes to Ruger.