New Acquisition


New member
Picked up an unfired 99% (it's been turned) 4" Colt Commando today at gun show for $400. Did I do ok?


Johnny Guest

Moderator in Memoriam
Historical and Collectors note - -

Colt produced thousands of Parkerized Official Police revolvers, dubbed Commando during WW-II, mainly for issue to defense plant guards and the like. The .38 revolvers issued to combat personnel, such as Navy aircrew and such, were pretty much limited to the S&W. Dunno why. The Colt was a heavier, more rugged piece.

For some reason, the Parkerized finish on those Commandos tends to rub off fairly rapidly, more so than on the 1911 autos. Due to the type useage and issue, very few Commandos came through the war in really nice shape. Your 99% piece won't stand much carrying and shooting and maintain that nice a finish. Sure is a nice example, but if you want one for USING, you might consider selling or swapping it to a Colt collector, so this historical revolver will be preserved. And you could draw some boot, as well. ;)
