new .204


New member
Thinking of getting a .204. Hopefully mostly for prairie dogs and to a lesser extent coyotes, foxes, etc. I would like a pretty heavy gun with a wide forend for long range accuracy shooting over bags. The Ruger varmint/target looks pretty good to me but I'm not real sure about Ruger accuracy? I'd like to keep it @ or preferably less than $1000. I don't really want a Savage because I have never been able to get over the looks of that barrel nut. I will not completely rule them out though. Opinions on what would be a good rifle, Ruger or go another way?


New member
I love the .204, absolute laser on ground hogs. Mine is a Kimber 84M Varmint. I'm not sure but the Pro Varmints may have a flatter fore end, not sure. The Varmints can be had for around $1k.


New member
I got a Ruger #1 in 204 when they first came out. I'm highly satisfied with it. Its extremely accurate. Super flat trajectory.

I use it for Varmints as well. PDs, foxes, and coyotes. I use the little 32 gr pill and never had to shoot a coyote twice with it.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
taylorce1 said:
Just search Brain Pfleuger's posts on the .204 Ruger. He is very happy with his Ruger rifle.

Yes, he is.:D

Mine is a Ruger M77 MkII and it shoots like a dream. The Ruger reputation for poor accuracy is decades out-dated if it were ever really true at all.

This be mine:


and she shoots like this at 100 (0.368MOA), I won't claim "all day long" but basically this is very close to my expectation:

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New member
I have a Remington 700 VTR in .204 Ruger. It's kind of an oddball 700 in my opinion. Triangular ported barrel mixed with some other oddities. Wanted a .204 and saw this one, could not pass up the price. Bought it brand new. Guess the dealer needed to free up his inventory cause I got a heck of a deal. It's an absolute tack driver. I reload and with the 26g Barnes Varmint Grenade it is the most fun small caliber cartridge i've ever owned. Have to experience it to understand. It's a laser. I sand bag it on a table etc… sub MOA groups regularly achieved.