Never take anything for granted when handling your firearms

Interesting article I came across from another forum. If you don't like looking at post-surgical wounds, don't click...

Guy who is a US Marshall started to strip his Glock to clean it...from the title of the thread, you can guess the result.

(1) OUCH.
(2) Dang lucky no one else got hurt.
(3) " Clue Clear " your weapon. Rack slide a minimum of three times, preferably four...

Nice mushroom on the Black Talon, BTW....

That one floated around on gunsnet a couple months ago. That HAD to hurt like a mother. I took off the end joint of my ring finger when i was 8 and that much pain put me down in an instant. I cant imagine what that would do.



New member
I'm glad he was both a paramedic, and maintained a good sense of humor about the whole thing...

Man! It shows you can never be TOO careful.


New member
Guy who is a US Marshall

From the article:
This was not an ND from a U.S. Marshal. It came from a forum called Glocktalk and, as it made its way around the Internet, became more than it originally was.


New member
Thats what you get when you clean your gun after midnight, a small portion of your brain is already asleep!:D

john in jax

New member
I have 2 accidental/negligence discharges to my discredit - luckily I didn't screw up that "always keep them pointed in a safe direction" thing so nobody was hurt either time.

I'm so careful/paranoid nowadays that when cleaning, I unload the gun in another room and leave ALL ammo there. I check and re-check that the gun is empty and that there is no ammo or loaded mags anywhere nearby - kind of a pain - but I'm doing my best to make sure there isn't a 3rd time.

And he is right - you do get REALLY PISSED OFF at your self for your own stupidity.